The food fight between Pepperidge Farm and Trader Joe’s over Belgian chocolate sandwich cookies has been put to bed, after the two sides agreed to settle their issues out of court. [More]
milano cookies

No, Pepperidge Farm’s Milano Cookies Aren’t Victims Of The Grocery Shrink Ray
By Laura Northrup 2.18.16
Chris wrote to Consumerist upset about one of his favorite desserts, Pepperidge Farm’s Milano cookies. The cookies seemed smaller, he said, estimating that they had “reduced the size of the cookies by about 25%.” Was that true? We took his question to the brand’s headquarters, which is not in a farmhouse in Maine. [More]

Pepperidge Farm Accusing Trader Joe’s Of Ripping Off Its Milano Cookie
By Mary Beth Quirk 12.4.15
Pepperidge Farm is calling out Trader Joe’s for allegedly being some kind of cookie monster, claiming in a new lawsuit that the grocery company is infringing on its trademark for selling a cookie that it says is a ripoff of its Milano cookie. [More]