Most people associate the idea of cooking from scratch in the microwave with nightmarish visions of the early ’80s, or with the ambitious sadness of the book Microwave Cooking for One. It is possible to cook real, non-ramen food in the microwave, though, including steaming vegetables (like corn still in the husk) and even fish filets. You can even partially cook chicken in the science oven to save time when grilling. [Consumer Reports] [More]

No, iOS 8 Does Not Allow You To Charge Your Phone In The Microwave
Things you can put into the microwave and turn it on: Food, microwave safe dishes, objects that will not melt. Things you cannot put into a microwave and turn it on: Metal, plastic, and any kind of electrical object you could think of, including cell phones, smartphones and tablets. So no, there is no update with iOS 8 that allows iPhone users to recharge their batteries by microwaving their phones. Sigh. [More]

Bidding Is Open For The Microwave Stephen Colbert Stole From Bill O’Reilly
We like to think that Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly and Stephen Colbert are secretly super best friends who sit in a treehouse and giggle about their next moves, because how else would an auction of the microwave Colbert stole from O’Reilly’s green room in 2007 be possible? Or we’re all just lucky the universe loves comedy. [More]

Should A Warranty Replacement Mean A Whole New Warranty?
Warranties can be very complicated things. Jennie and her husband have an over-the-stove microwave that they bought from Lowe’s, and they happen to have bought an extended warranty for it. A pricey one: $100 on a $300 appliance. They needed to call in this warranty after only a few months. [More]

Letter To President Gets Samsung’s Attention, Repaired Microwave
Laurence was disappointed that he dropped a few hundred dollars on a microwave, and didn’t get to enjoy it for very long. He isn’t sure exactly how long a microwave that cost a few hundred bucks should last, but figures it’s somewhere between “two years” and “forever.” Right? [More]

This LG Microwave Is The Ultimate In Disposable Appliances
Recently, I was surprised to learn that Goldstar and LG are the same company. LG stands for “Lucky Goldstar.” Gasp! This is no surprise to reader Jef, though, who has to keep ordering the same microwave over and over, and those microwaves come from either Goldstar or LG. Why has he bought four of the same microwave? Is he a landlord, a rich person with many houses, or an eccentric person who insists on having a microwave in every room? No. His problem is that the microwave in his kitchen keeps breaking down, sometimes just barely after the end of the original warranty.

Recent Class Action Lawsuits: Are You Eligible?
We’ve heard about quite a few recent class-action settlements that you just might be eligible for, as well as cute little baby suits still looking for claimants. Products included: energy drinks, name-brand prescription drugs, and zombie microwaves.

Sur La Table Responds To Reader's Hot Handle Incident
We have an official company response in regards to our post, “Sur La Table Mug Handle Found Scorchingly Hot After 2 Minutes In Microwave.” Susanna Linse, Sur La Table Media Relations Manager writes:

ConAgra Recalls Pot Pies Because Nobody Uses Their Microwave Properly
ConAgra is voluntarily recalling their pot pies while they rewrite vague cooking instructions that led 160 people in 31 states to contract salmonella. ConAgra’s current packaging orders hungry consumers to microwave their pot pies until cooked thoroughly, an instruction most consumers can’t follow.
It is relatively easy to figure out when a hamburger is well done by checking to see that it is no longer pink. But it’s preposterous to expect consumers to know how the cooking power of their microwave compares with others.

Airport Security Devices Of The Future
Travel writer Peter Greenberg gives us an insightful look at the creepy future of airport security. Most of us are already familiar with ‘puffer’ scanners, which, ironically, are prominent fixtures at the Statue of Liberty. They are just the beginning. The future holds several new devices, and “many of them are raising new issues regarding privacy.”

Microwaving Sponges Kills 99% Of Pathogens
Popping a dirty sponge in the microwave for two minutes will kill 99% of its pathogens, says a new study in the Journal of Environmental Health. [More]

Lawsuit: Martha Stewart Dishes Not Microwave Safe
Ooooh, internal documents! Holy crap, we want a Martha Stewart whistle blower of our very own. We are so jealous. —MEGHANN MARCO