

Microsoft Reportedly Considering Buying Out Barnes & Noble’s Nook Division For $1B

Usually when we hear one big company is interested in buying out another big company, there’s an element of “Hmm, didn’t see that one coming…” But in the case of Microsoft reportedly toying with the idea of paying $1 billion for Barnes & Noble’s Nook business, it’s more of “It’s about time those two crazy kids made  formal commitment.” Microsoft already invested $300 million in Nook last year, and it seems prepared to go all the way. [More]

(Paxton Holley)

Microsoft Decides To Try This Whole Windows 8 Thing Again With A Few Tweaks

When something doesn’t go quite right the first time, what’s a ginormous technology company supposed to do? Why, just slap a couple of coats of paint on the ill-received Windows 8, fluff it up a bit and send it right back out on stage. Microsoft is reportedly tweaking its most recent iteration of Windows because customers have been complaining of confusion, and PCs aren’t selling so well. [More]

(Mark Turnauckas)

Could It Be Possible That The New Xbox Will Actually Let Users Play Games Offline?

In a world where game makers are releasing titles that demand players always be connected to the Internet or just not play, it’s not surprising that fans of Microsoft’s XBox were worried that the next iteration would also require a constantly-on connection. According to a leaked internal Microsoft email, that won’t be the case. Cue rejoicing. [More]

Microsoft Includes Free Disposable Wifi Router In Forbes Magazine

Microsoft Includes Free Disposable Wifi Router In Forbes Magazine

“I still like print magazines, but I wish that they functioned as a portable wifi hotspot,” said no one ever. This wish came true for some people last week when they received a special edition of Forbes magazine in the mail that serves as a disposable wifi hotspot as well as a disposable news delivery device. [More]

(Paxton Holley)

Microsoft Trying To Get A Grip On Customers’ Online Privacy Concerns With New Campaign

In a time when almost any aspect of our lives can be translated into online terms and our personal information collected, tracked and used like so much currency, many people are understandably concerned about privacy in the virtual world. Microsoft is attempting to show its customers that it’s on top of things with a new campaign dedicated to discussing online privacy. [More]

PC Manufacturers Say Windows 8 Has Driven Millions To Become Apple Users

PC Manufacturers Say Windows 8 Has Driven Millions To Become Apple Users

With the exception of the Xbox, Microsoft has been on a string of high-profile failures like Zune, Windows Phone, and Surface tablets. But its latest cock-up, the much-reviled Windows 8 operating system may have been the final straw for lots of Windows-based PC users, at least according to those who make the computers. [More]

(Paxton Holley)

Microsoft Apologizes For Loudmouthed Creative Director’s Tweets

Earlier this week, a Microsoft Studios creative director stepped into a huge, flaming virtual bag full of doo-doo when he decided to make his case for always-online gaming, and possibly gave away information about the next generation of Xbox in the process. Today, Microsoft has had to issue a “don’t listen to that guy” statement. [More]


Next Xbox May Require Internet Access At All Times, Microsoft Creative Director Doesn’t See The Problem

After a mediocre showing in the last few Worst Company In America tournaments, Microsoft seems intent on making sure the next generation of its Xbox gaming console earns it a top seed in next year’s bracket. [More]

Worst Company In America Round 1: Apple Vs. Microsoft

Worst Company In America Round 1: Apple Vs. Microsoft

Let’s end the first week of WCIA play by throwing these two longtime rivals into a locked shipping container until only one of them comes out alive. [More]

Microsoft Provides Details On Law Enforcement Requests For User Data

Microsoft Provides Details On Law Enforcement Requests For User Data

Microsoft reveals in a new transparency report that between all of its online services — including Hotmail,, SkyDrive, Xbox LIVE, Microsoft Account, Messenger, Office 365, and Skype — it received more than 75,000 requests from law enforcement agencies around the world in 2012. [More]

(Jacob Tompkins)

Zune Pass Customers Not Getting All Of Their Free Downloads, No One Knows Why

Chris is a Zune Pass customer, and has been since the very beginning (whenever that was.) Early adopters get a pretty great deal that new subscribers don’t: ten song credits per month. He sent his tip in in the form of a chat transcript that was refreshingly well-written on both sides and honest on the part of the support representative. Let this serve as a heads-up to Zune fans who haven’t noticed this problem yet, but may experience it in the future. Or not. [More]

Hotmail, we hardly knew ye.

Hotmail Going The Way Of The Dinosaur As Microsoft Opens Outlook To The Public

I remember the giddiness of being freed from the yoke of a paid AOL membership, ready to choose my very own email address instead of the one my dad had set up. I probably searched AltaVista or asked Jeeves before finding I could set up a free account at It was a heady feeling, one of liberation and unbounded email opportunities. Fast forward to the present, when those still faithful to Hotmail are no doubt mourning its impending demise. [More]

(The Joy Of The Mundane)

HP Support: Downgrading Your New Computer To Windows 7 Voids The Warranty (Update: No, Not Really)

Nick needed a PC for a new employee, and went to Fry’s and bought it retail. Here’s the problem: the computer came with Windows 8, but the department where he works still only supports Windows 7. It was only after he downgraded that someone on HP’s support staff told him that going back to an older operating system voids the new computer’s warranty. Update: This is not actually the case. [More]


Microsoft Under Pressure To Cough Up Skype Privacy Reports

While you’re chitchatting away on Skype with your friend living halfway around the world or maybe showing your new kitchen improvements to your mother by carrying the laptop around, what is Skype doing with your information, and what happens if the government tries to get it? A group of privacy advocates are putting Microsoft in the hot seat with a letter asking it to answer such questions. [More]


It’ll Only Cost You $125 To Escape The Clutches Of Windows 8 With Downgrade To Windows 7

Hey, Microsoft? Just a little heads up. If customers despise your latest and ostensibly greatest operating system so much that businesses are offering a downgrade service, you might want to take that as a sign that something has gone wrong. Because while we can understand having to pay for an upgrade, ponying up cash just to take a step back on your new laptop with pre-installed software is well, it’s a step back. [More]


Microsoft Store Can’t Exchange A Defective Computer Properly, Sends Me Wrong Refund

Albert wrote to us about his problems with his Cyber Monday purchase from the Microsoft Store. No, we haven’t been sitting on his message for almost two months: he’s been struggling with Microsoft for that long, trying to get this transaction to make sense. One important thing that he learned: just because he’s lucky enough to live relatively near a Microsoft Store, that doesn’t mean it will do him any good. [More]

My Quest For A Defect-Free Microsoft Surface Goes Surprisingly Poorly

My Quest For A Defect-Free Microsoft Surface Goes Surprisingly Poorly

Being an early adopter can be difficult. Overall, Grady likes his new Microsoft Surface tablet, but noticed some hardware issues, like light distortion and a power button that doesn’t feel right. Those are relatively minor issues when the entire device is working well, but not what Grady expected when he laid out $600 for a new tablet. That’s when he began his quest to return his Surface to Microsoft and obtain one with no defects, cosmetic or otherwise. This quest turned out to be more difficult than he had predicted. [More]

(Ron Dauphin)

Microsoft Offers Free Month Of Service To Make Up For Recent Xbox Live Cloud Outage

What’s better than an apology? An apology with some free stuff thrown in to sweeten the pot and turn those frowns upside down. Microsoft is apologizing for a recent cloud outage that left Xbox Live users hanging with nary a way to access their saved games and will treat users to a free month of membership to try and make up for it. [More]