
Microsoft Wants You To Host Your Own Windows 7 Launch Party, Really

Microsoft Wants You To Host Your Own Windows 7 Launch Party, Really

Everyone likes hosting launch parties, right?! What? No one likes them? They’re not real parties—just promotional events dreamed up to move units? But Microsoft told me that it’s okay to host my own launch party! It’ll be cool! Just look at these two married couples hanging out and gabbing like a box of birds about how much they love Windows 7.

Why Can't Microsoft Help Get This Guy's Stolen Xbox Live Account Back?

Why Can't Microsoft Help Get This Guy's Stolen Xbox Live Account Back?

Erik has been patiently trying to get his stolen Xbox Live account back for a month and a half now, but all Microsoft has done to help is lie and fail to follow up on phone calls or emails. Oh, and there was that one point where they sent “how to get your account back” instructions to the person who had stolen the account, which sort of defeated the point.

Microsoft Seeks Arrogant Would-Be Hipsters To Staff New Stores

Microsoft Seeks Arrogant Would-Be Hipsters To Staff New Stores

When Apple needs to come up with a hot new product, it turns to CEO Steve Jobs, who is said to micromanage everything from the color of the product’s box to how overpriced it should be. And, when Microsoft needs to go after the next big thing, the company turns to … Steve Jobs. At least that seems to be the idea behind Microsoft’s latest plan, which involves poaching managers from Apple’s retail stores.

Microsoft Goes After Malicious Ad Suppliers

Microsoft Goes After Malicious Ad Suppliers

If you visited the New York Times website last week, you may have been surprised to have your browsing interrupted by one of those scammy “we’re scanning your computer for viruses OH NO YOU HAVE A VIRUS!” ads that overtake your window. Now Microsoft has filed 5 lawsuits in an attempt to fight back against the jerks who may have been responsible for it, and certainly for other ads like it all over the web.

Are All Xbox 360s Doomed To Fail? Student Survey Aims To Find Out

Are All Xbox 360s Doomed To Fail? Student Survey Aims To Find Out

Reader Ben Strauss is doing a cool project for his marketing class – he’s surveying Xbox owners to find out how many have had failed Xboxes and/or know someone who does. So far he’s interviewed 200 people and is seeing a 71% failure rate, with 85% of respondents saying they know someone with a failed Xbox. Ben writes:

DS, PSP, iPhone, Meet Your New Portable Gaming Competitor: The Zune HD!

DS, PSP, iPhone, Meet Your New Portable Gaming Competitor: The Zune HD!

WIRED reports the newly released Zune HD can play video games. They found this promo video, posted inside, which reveals the device would play games, something Microsoft hadn’t confirmed.

Microsoft Teaches Best Buy How To Diss Linux, Macs

Microsoft Teaches Best Buy How To Diss Linux, Macs

A recent flurry of reports on the internets claim that Microsoft has been training Best Buy employees to push customers away from Linux and Mac systems to those running Windows. While some posts claim that the Gatesians are teaching Best Buy workers to become “Linux assassins,” most of what’s going on looks like typical retail marketing: a deep-pocketed supplier working with a chain to hawk its products more aggressively. However, Linux pros are up in arms about “inaccuracies” in the Microsoft program that walks customers through the advantages of Windows vs. Linux.

Reader Says Microsoft Won't Stop Charging Him For Ex-Roommate's Xbox Live

Reader Says Microsoft Won't Stop Charging Him For Ex-Roommate's Xbox Live

In case you were wondering whether or not it would be a good idea to let your deadbeat roommate use your debit card to sign up for Xbox Live, Jake checks in to reassure you that no, it’s not.

Microsoft Charging For Xbox 360 Game Add-On That's Free On PC

Microsoft Charging For Xbox 360 Game Add-On That's Free On PC

Eurogamer reports that Microsoft is charging $7 for the downloadable Crash Course add-on, due this month, to the zombie-splattering Xbox 360 game Left 4 Dead. Crash Course will be free on the PC version of the game via Steam, but the Destructoid story cites a Eurogamer interview with Chet Faliszek of Valve, the game’s developer. He tells Eurogamer:

Microsoft Poland Demonstrates Hilariously Bad Photoshop Skills

Microsoft Poland Demonstrates Hilariously Bad Photoshop Skills

Apparently, some geniuses at Microsoft decided that an Asian man, a black guy, and a white woman wasn’t the best way to sell Microsoft’s Business Productivity tools in Poland. So they swapped out the black guy with a white guy in the photo. Nothing terribly unusual about that – ads are altered for foreign markets all the time. But that Photoshopped head of a grimacing, palsied yuppie promises to haunt your dreams.

Customer Feels Bing-ed By Spontaneously Reduced New Egg/Microsoft Promotion

Customer Feels Bing-ed By Spontaneously Reduced New Egg/Microsoft Promotion

Richard thought he’d take advantage of a joint promotion between Microsoft’s Bing search engine and Newegg that gives you 10 percent refund via PayPal if you click on a Newegg banner on Bing.

You Can Extend Your Windows 7 Trial Period Up To 120 Days

You Can Extend Your Windows 7 Trial Period Up To 120 Days

The OS coverage this week will mostly be about Apple’s upgrade coming out this Friday, but here’s a good tip for Windows users who are planning on trying out Windows 7: you can reset the 30 day trial period 3 times, for a total of 120 days. Although it’s not an official “feature,” Microsoft has announced that they don’t care if customers take advantage of it.

Microsoft Favors Braun Over Brains In Store Employees

Microsoft Favors Braun Over Brains In Store Employees

Thinking about going for a job at one of those snazzy new Microsoft Stores? Time to stock up on the Creatine and start pumping iron, because Microsoft will need you to be able to lift 75 pounds. That’s like two Paris Hiltons!

Microsoft Lowers High-End 360 Price To Match PS3

Microsoft Lowers High-End 360 Price To Match PS3

Responding to Sony’s announcement that a new, cheaper PS3 — as well as a universal price cut to $300 — is imminent, Microsoft is understandably lowering the price of its Xbox 360 Elite to $300, matching the new PS3.

Windows 7 May Be Worth The Upgrade

Windows 7 May Be Worth The Upgrade

If, like every other frustrated Windows customer in the past couple of years, you’ve been clinging desperately to your works-just-fine copy of XP while Vista scratches at the window like a ‘Salem’s Lot kid, you may be able to finally unclench this fall. That’s when Windows 7 comes out, and Wired offers

Xbox 360 Failure Rate is 54.2 Percent, Game Informer Finds

Xbox 360 Failure Rate is 54.2 Percent, Game Informer Finds

The Xbox 360 breaks five times as often as its closest failure-prone competitor, the PlayStation 3, a print edition-only Game Informer survey found.

UPDATED: Microsoft Will Let You Download Games With 360 Currency It Sells You, CSRs Told Me Otherwise

UPDATED: Microsoft Will Let You Download Games With 360 Currency It Sells You, CSRs Told Me Otherwise

Dork that I am, I got giddy when I heard Microsoft would start selling full downloads of retail Xbox 360 games to hard drives under the new Games on Demand banner. I bought $60 worth of Microsoft points in order to download Call of Duty 2 and Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga.

Judge Tells Microsoft It Can't Sell Word In U.S.

Judge Tells Microsoft It Can't Sell Word In U.S.

Thanks to a Texas judge’s ruling earlier this week, Microsoft has been prohibited from selling or supporting any more copies of Word that can edit XML-based documents. A Toronto-based company, i4i, sued Microsoft in 2007 over its XML editing patent, and the judge ruled in i4i’s favor. The ruling kicks in 60 days from now, unless Microsoft decides to appeal. We have a feeling it will.