It’s difficult to imagine such a rustic, primitive existence, but Dustin doesn’t have broadband Internet access at home. He seems to manage, though. Except when it comes to his Xbox 360. When he downloaded a game expansion, a Microsoft representative gave him bad advice, instructing him to put his hard drive in the console of a friend who does have broadband at home. The representative left out a step, and the game expansion license now belongs to Dustin’s friend’s account. No one at Microsoft is able to help him get the content back under his own gamertag so he can use the content he paid for. [More]

Microsoft Spreads The Holiday Spirit By Telling Me To Donate Extra Xbox At Their Expense
Timothy wasn’t sure what to do when an extra Xbox360 landed on his doorstep, along with the one he had ordered for his girlfriend for Christmas. He figured Microsoft would recognize their mistake soon enough and send a packing slip for its return. But instead, he says he’s amazed at their response. [More]

Microsoft Thinks You Stole $67.50 From Your Own Xbox Account
In recent weeks, we’ve heard from quite a few Xbox Gold customers who report that points have been stolen from their accounts, but Microsoft doesn’t seem terribly concerned about it, or about stopping the account breaches. Today’s example: reader Jesse, who loaded several cards on his account before a move, for some reason assuming that the points would be safer in his account (in the cloud!) than packed for his move. Not so. Someone spent those points on content that Jesse never downloaded, and Microsoft isn’t giving him those points back. [More]

Microsoft Wants To Soothe 5 Traumatized Android Users With Free Windows Phones
Do reports of malware on your Android phone have you in a cold sweat? Are dreams of scary phone viruses dancing in your head? Microsoft is taking advantage of those fears and using recent bumps in the road for Android to offer free Windows phones to five Android users with the worst malware horror stories. [More]

Here's A Way To Block Ads On The New Xbox Dashboard
Earlier this week, Microsoft rolled out its rootin’-tootin’ motion-sensin’ new dashboard interface for the Xbox 360. And along with the host of new features came a most unwanted companion — ads. Luckily, for those willing to tinker a bit, there may be a way to stop Chuck Norris from showing up on your Xbox dashboard. [More]

Will Xbox TV's Voice & Motion Controls Actually Revolutionize TV Watching?
Starting tomorrow, an update to the Xbox 360’s dashboard will integrate its Kinect motion/voice-detection system and Microsoft’s Bing search engine in the hopes of creating a truly hands-free entertainment experience. But does it work? [More]

I Watched In Real Time As ID Thieves Spent My Money On Xbox Live
It’s bad enough to find out you’ve been the victim of identity theft. It’s even worse to sit and watch as the thieves spend the money they acquired with your credit card information. [More]

Microsoft Zombie-Bills Expired Credit Card For Xbox Live
Earlier this year, we posted a handy tip to avoid zombie billing: for a service that you plan to stop using after your contract is up, use a credit or debit card with an expiration date shortly after the end of the contract. The idea behind this plan is that an expired card can’t be billed. This didn’t work so well for Rob, whose expired credit card was zombie-billed by Microsoft for his Xbox Live subscription. [More]

Xbox 360 Finally Getting More Live & On-Demand TV
It’s been reported for quite some time that Xbox 360 users would eventually get access to more streaming video options. Earlier today, Microsoft announced that it has partnered with a number of content providers to bring content from HBO, SyFy and even more for Comcast and Verizon FiOS subscribers. [More]

Microsoft's New Blue Screen Of Death Feels Your Pain, Expresses It With Frowny Face
Anyone who has ever suddenly come face to face with the Windows Blue Screen of Death has probably never grinned at the realization that something might be terribly wrong with your computer. After many, many iterations of the the BSoD, Microsoft has decided to mirror your displeasure by adding a huge sad face emoticon to its latest version. [More]

Get Your Free Xbox 360 From Dell For Only $100
It was probably a glitch and not a nefarious plot on Dell’s part, but Chris found it odd when he tried to take advantage of Microsoft’s back-to-school promo where a free Xbox comes with certain Windows laptops. Dell’s site kept showing that adding on the free Xbox promo made his total $100 higher than with just the computer. Huh? [More]

Lawsuit Accuses Microsoft Of Double Billing Xbox Live Customers
For Xbox 360 users to have access to online gaming, they need to get a paid subscription to Microsoft’s Xbox Live Gold service. But a new lawsuit alleges that the service’s “vague and onerous terms of use,” are leading subscribers to be double-billed. [More]

Sony Sends Technician To Your House To Break Your Computer
A functioning touchscreen is an important feature of a touchscreen computer. Yet the Sony VAIO desktop that Frank purchased at a Microsoft store and had shipped to his home on the other side of the country had a faulty touchscreen. Since he was on vacation when purchasing the computer, It was too late for a store return, so he had to deal with Sony. They very helpfully sent someone to his home to fix the computer, but the technician instead broke his VAIO even more, then didn’t show up for the return visit where he was supposed to actually fix the darn thing. [More]

Microsoft Thinks You Actually Want To Use The Kinect To Shout At Interactive Ads
Since Microsoft launched the Xbox 360’s Kinect motion-sensing device last year, the company has hinted at the Kinect’s potential use for advertisers who want to create more interactive ads. Microsoft never asked consumers if they actually wanted this functionality, but that didn’t stop the company from demonstrating it earlier today. [More]

Microsoft: One Out of 14 Net Downloads Could Be Bad For You
The Net is just rife with hackers and malcontents just waiting to pounce on unsuspecting Web surfers, right? So, of course, the brainiacs at Microsoft are saying its Internet Explorer 9 web browser can be your online guardian against the rising threat. [More]

Yep, Microsoft Bought Skype For $8.5 Billion
The rumor was true, Microsoft has purchased Skype for $8.5 billion in cash. The Wall Street Journal says the deal will allow the company to integrate Skype into everything from its Bing search engine to Windows smartphones and its Xbox 360 video game system. [More]

Exxon Mobil Is The Most Profitable American Business By A Long Shot
This year’s Fortune 500 list is out, and while Walmart’s $421 billion in revenue may have beaten out Exxon Mobil’s paltry $354 billion, the oil giant beat out Big W where it matters most, profits. According to Fortune, the crude colossus made a whopping $30.4 billion in profits last year, nearly double what Walmart made and over $10.5 billion more than the next most profitable company on the list. [More]