

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals declined to hear Microsoft’s appeal in the ‘Vista Capable’ class action suit, and it’s moving forward to U.S. District Court. [Seattle Times] (Thanks to T.J.!)

Round 24: Toshiba vs Microsoft

Round 24: Toshiba vs Microsoft

This is Round 24 in our Worst Company in America contest, Toshiba vs Microsoft. Vote which sucks more, inside…

It's Been 3 Months And 12 Days Since My XBOX Broke And Microsoft Still Won't Send Me A Box

It's Been 3 Months And 12 Days Since My XBOX Broke And Microsoft Still Won't Send Me A Box

Reader Dustin lives on a military base and Microsoft keeps telling him that they can’t fulfill his warranty because UPS doesn’t ship XBOXs back and forth from military bases. According to UPS, this isn’t true. Dustin tried escalating his complaint and got some apologies, but months went by and still no box arrived for his broken XBOX 360.

"Red Light Of Death" Xbox Owner Wants Same Extended Warranty As "Red Ring Of Death" Sufferers

"Red Light Of Death" Xbox Owner Wants Same Extended Warranty As "Red Ring Of Death" Sufferers

Though Microsoft bowed to a gamer backlash and gave 3-year warranty protection for the widespread Xbox hardware failure known as “The Red Ring of Death,” it seems another debilitating malfunction, “The Red Light of Death,” hasn’t become enough of a PR fiasco to merit the same treatment. Let’s help it along with reader Steve’s story…

You Call To Cancel Your Zune Account, Microsoft Deactivates XBOX Live

You Call To Cancel Your Zune Account, Microsoft Deactivates XBOX Live

After he called Microsoft to cancel his Zune account, reader Will noticed that his XBOX Live account was suddenly silver instead of gold.

UPDATE: Microsoft May Slowly Be Fixing Their Broken XBOX DRM

UPDATE: Microsoft May Slowly Be Fixing Their Broken XBOX DRM

Evening, Consumerist Editors (and hopefully readers)!


Netflix has been asking its members about their Xbox 360 usage habits as it considers whether to stream movie rentals over the device. Are you a Netflix subscriber who owns a 360? Were you surveyed?

Microsoft Sends Free Swag To The Gamer Whose XBox 360 Artwork They Destroyed

Microsoft Sends Free Swag To The Gamer Whose XBox 360 Artwork They Destroyed

Remember that video game fan who sent in for repair an XBOX covered in all sorts of priceless art, along with the express instructions for it not to be washed? And then it was washed? Well, he already got a nice box of goodies from Bungie, but now Microsoft has stepped up and sent him their own prize package which includes a faceplate signed by Bill Gates. Nothing like a frag marathon officially endorsed by the second-wealthiest man in the world! Woohoo, game on!

Intel To Sell Ultra-Cheap Classmate PC To Americans

Intel To Sell Ultra-Cheap Classmate PC To Americans

Great news, America: Intel’s ultra-cheap Classmate PC isn’t just for impoverished third-world schoolchildren anymore! The chipmaker today announced plans to sell the notebook domestically in the coming months. Intel insists its sub-notebook isn’t designed to compete with the non-profit One Laptop Per Child project, which is powered by chips from Intel’s rival, AMD, but they have aggressively moved to undercut OLPC wherever possible. The laptop will likely cost Americans less than $500.


Apparently, Microsoft is thinking about using Johnny Knoxville to sell PCs to “jackasses.” [CajunBoyIntheCity]

Bungie Sent All This Free Swag To The Gamer Whose XBox 360 Artwork Microsoft Destroyed

Bungie Sent All This Free Swag To The Gamer Whose XBox 360 Artwork Microsoft Destroyed

Remember Nathanial? Microsoft’s repair center senseless erased the valuable signatures and cool artwork he had painstakingly collected on his XBox 360. When Bungie, the maker of Halo, saw what happened, they wanted to help—even though they had nothing to do with the calamity. They decided to ship Nathanial an awesome swag bag stuffed with signature-adorned freebies.

Microsoft Scrubs All The Valuable Signatures And Artwork Off Your XBOX 360 Case

Microsoft Scrubs All The Valuable Signatures And Artwork Off Your XBOX 360 Case

We read a lot of stories about companies doing boneheaded things but rarely do we read anything like what reader Nathanial sent in.

Microsoft Doesn't Know Why You Can't Access Any Of Your Saved Games

Microsoft Doesn't Know Why You Can't Access Any Of Your Saved Games

Reader Brad took his XBOX Live Gamertag to a friend’s house. When he got home, he realized that he’d forgotten his memory card (with the Gamertag on it) at his friend’s place.


A couple of weeks ago we wrote about the Windows Vista hearing, where Microsoft executives were shown to have complained internally about the misleading “Vista Capable” campaign. The judge has granted the case class action status. [Computerworld]


XBOX HD DVD is dead on sale for $49. [Bloomberg]

Microsoft Has No Answer For Their Broken XBOX Live DRM

Microsoft Has No Answer For Their Broken XBOX Live DRM

Reader Kevin’s XBOX 360 suffered the usual Red Ring of Death, so he sent it in to be repaired. He got back a different XBOX 360 with a different serial number. That would be no big deal, except Kevin has purchased a bunch of content through XBOX Live… content that is no longer fully functional due to Microsoft’s broken DRM.

Even Microsoft Execs Hated On "Vista Capable" Labeling

Even Microsoft Execs Hated On "Vista Capable" Labeling

Microsoft’s “Vista Capable” program was so misleading that even Microsoft executives complained about it according to emails revealed last week in court. The emails were read aloud at a hearing to determine class-action status for a related lawsuit against the company. One corporate vice president wrote, “”I PERSONALLY got burnt. … Are we seeing this from a lot of customers? … I now have a $2,100 e-mail machine.” The co-president of another division wrote, “We really botched this. … You guys have to do a better job with our customers.”


Yahoo rejects Microsoft’s takeover bid for reals for reals. We are safe from the threat of the creation of the world’s largest, crappiest, search engine…for now. [AP]