
Microsoft Left A Sheet Of Stickers Inside My XBOX 360

Microsoft Left A Sheet Of Stickers Inside My XBOX 360

Of all the good places to store a sheet of stickers, “inside someone else’s refurbished XBOX 360” is fairly low on the list. Maybe even at the very bottom. Unfortunately for reader Nick, Microsoft appears to be using his XBOX as sticker storage. Read Nick’s letter inside.

Netflix Says "I Do" To Microsoft's Xbox Live

Netflix Says "I Do" To Microsoft's Xbox Live

During their press briefing at E3, Microsoft announced that they have entered a partnership with Netflix, according to MSNBC. The (unholy) union means that starting this fall, Xbox users will be able to view streaming videos from Netflix’s collection, however, they may only select from the 10,000 movies and shows which are available online and not the complete DVD library which includes some 100,000 titles. Microsoft has been touting this new service as free, however, that’s not completely true. Details, inside…

This "License Only” Version Of Office Is Packed Very Efficiently

This "License Only” Version Of Office Is Packed Very Efficiently

Today’s episode of everyone’s favorite post “Stupid Shipping Gang” is sure to be a crowd-pleaser! Newegg was concerned about Rob’s software license (Just a license. No discs.) being damaged so they shipped it in a box. With packing peanuts.

Reach Microsoft Executive Customer Service

Reach Microsoft Executive Customer Service

9am – 6pm CST M-F

13 Headlines The Consumerist Editors Wish They Could Write

13 Headlines The Consumerist Editors Wish They Could Write

Here at the Consumerist we get a lot of emails requesting more “happy stories.” While we wait for some to happen, here are 13 headlines we would love to write. They are in no particular order.

You Can Now Transfer Licenses For Your Xbox 360 Content

You Can Now Transfer Licenses For Your Xbox 360 Content

As suspected, Microsoft has finally addressed the DRM issue with content you’ve purchased on your Xbox 360. In the past, if you bought a new console you couldn’t transfer the licenses—one customer was told by an Xbox 360 CSR to “buy the content again.” Now you can visit this page on and transfer your licenses to a new console. Hooray for progress!

Top 10 Best and Worst Reputations In Corporate America

Top 10 Best and Worst Reputations In Corporate America

The results of the Harris Interactive survey that tracks the reputations of the 60 most visible companies in America has been released and here they are: Google is tops and Halliburton is not. Not shocking, but there are some interesting findings. Honda is the only car company to make the top 10, and Comcast, Sprint and Northwest Airlines are the least well-regarded in their respective industries.


Today is the last day to buy a Dell computer with XP instead of Vista. [Consumer Reports]

Worst Company In America 2008 "Sweet 16": American Airlines VS Microsoft

Worst Company In America 2008 "Sweet 16": American Airlines VS Microsoft

Microsoft: Replace Your XBOX 360? "Sorry, We Can't Help You. Buy All Of Your Content A Second Time"

Microsoft: Replace Your XBOX 360? "Sorry, We Can't Help You. Buy All Of Your Content A Second Time"

Reader Mac’s XBOX 360 was out of warranty when it broke, so he decided to buy a new one thinking he could just transfer his old hard drive to the new XBOX. Sadly, no matter what he tries he can’t get his content to work properly on the new machine. He called Microsoft to see if they could help him out (after all they do this sort of transfer all the time for people whose boxes are replaced under warranty), but Microsoft’s only answer was “buy all your content a second time.”

Microsoft And The $1,632 Copy Of Vista

Microsoft And The $1,632 Copy Of Vista

Microsoft charged Bill $1,632 for a single Windows Vista Ultimate upgrade license. Each time Bill, an IT Manager, tried to his enter his payment details through Windows Live Marketplace he was told that Microsoft could not be contacted, and to “please try again later.” What Microsoft really meant was, “Ha! Got your money! How ’bout some more?!”

Round 44: US Air vs Microsoft

This is Round 44 in our Worst Company in America contest, US Air vs Microsoft!Here’s what readers said in previous rounds about why they hate these two companies…

XBOX Live Decides Your Surname Is Offensive Because It Contains The Letters "G-A-Y"

XBOX Live Decides Your Surname Is Offensive Because It Contains The Letters "G-A-Y"

Reader Richard would like to use his full name as his gamer tag, but XBOX has decided that “Gaywood” is offensive. Here’s his letter:

Microsoft Accuses Gamer Of Tampering With Xbox, Tamper-Proof Sticker Says Otherwise

Microsoft Accuses Gamer Of Tampering With Xbox, Tamper-Proof Sticker Says Otherwise

Reader Jeff writes in with yet another tale of Xbox woe: After sending in his third Xbox 360 for a third Red Ring of Death, he was surprised to receive a package from Microsoft only seven days later. “I figured Microsoft was so efficient and concerned about their loyal customers that the quickly delivered me another 360,” says Jeff. That’s not what happened.

"Microsoft Keeps Sending Us The French Version Of 'Mass Effect'"

"Microsoft Keeps Sending Us The French Version Of 'Mass Effect'"

Xbox Live Won't Refund Points For Game They Can't Deliver

Xbox Live Won't Refund Points For Game They Can't Deliver

How To: Quickly Contact Intelligent Life At XBOX Customer Service

How To: Quickly Contact Intelligent Life At XBOX Customer Service

Jason at Doombot has developed a process for reaching intelligent life at XBOX customer service. He discovered this easy 4-step procedure thanks to a XBOX 360 that enjoys not reading discs.

Microsoft CSR Changes Your Identity, Preventing You From Getting Your Xbox

Microsoft CSR Changes Your Identity, Preventing You From Getting Your Xbox

Bryan Carroll can’t pick up his repaired Xbox because Microsoft printed his name on the address label as “Brian Dyranerool.” After he scheduled a repair with a CSR in India, Bryan was assured that he would receive a shipping box within 3-5 days. After 6 days had passed, he contacted an apologetic supervisor who said she would simply email him a shipping label and send out a free wireless controller for his wasted time and trouble. However, the name on his shipping label read, “Brian Dryanerool.” He contacted Microsoft about the error and was told that the problem was corrected. The good news is that Bryan’s Xbox was repaired and shipped swiftly to a UPS customer center. The bad news is that his box was addressed to “Brian Dryanerool,” and he was not allowed to pick up the repaired Xbox. Bryan describes his saga inside: