Every year, a major customer satisfaction survey comes out with an updated look at how the country’s cable, phone, and pay-TV companies are doing. And every year, it turns out the answer is still: really badly. But while many cable companies continue to suck, one trend is clear — the more competition there is, the higher the satisfaction scores tend to be. [More]

You Still Hate Your Cable Company As Much As Ever, But Think Your Mobile Carrier’s All Right

Survey Says: You Still Hate Your Cable Company, But Maybe A Little Less Than Before
A major annual consumer satisfaction survey is out, and it’s a mixed bag for the cable and telecom sector and all of us who use it. The bad: pay-TV, broadband, phone, and wireless companies still pretty much really suck, and most of us are very dissatisfied with them. The good: year over year, most of them are finally starting to suck less than they used to! [More]

Someone Needs To Tell Mediacom The Definition Of 'Paperless'
It’s all very green and forward-thinking of Mediacom to offer a $1 credit for customers who use paperless billing, but Tim wonders why they had to mail him a paper statement informing him that he is getting this discount. [More]

Someone At Mediacom Forged My Signature On A Service Contract
Stephen G. moved into a new apartment and decided to sign up for service for Mediacom Cable (not to be confused with the London-based media agency MediaCom). He called the local representative on an ad he’d been given, and was told he didn’t have to sign a two-year contract, so he didn’t. Later he found out his name was on a Mediacom contract anyway. Surprise! [More]

This Mediacom Cable Box Comes With Invisible Roommate Who Keeps Ordering Porn
Lesley lives alone, and says that despite what any Mediacom CSRs may think, she hasn’t been consistently ordering adult movies for the past three months. [More]