Yes, the meat in Dunkin’ Donuts’ Angus Steak breakfast sandwiches may look more like a sausage patty than a porterhouse or a ribeye, but does that mean it’s not actually “steak”? One customer says the sandwich doesn’t meet a federal definition for that term. But there’s a big bird-shaped problem with that definition. [More]

Dunkin’ Donuts Customer Says “Angus Steak” Sandwiches Aren’t Actually Steak

So Many “Meal Box” Options, But Are They Any Different From Each Other?
Making a nice dinner isn’t always easy: Finding the right recipe, checking your pantry, going to the store, all before you get around to finally cooking. So it’s understandable why subscription “meal boxes” are trend with a growing number of companies delivering ready-to-cook dinners to your door. Yet, many of the plans seem to be going after the same customer with the same types of food. [More]

Researchers Who Probably Hate Pizza: Living Alone Is Basically Terrible For Your Diet
Living by yourself can be great — it means you have the option of never wearing real pants at home, guilt-free Netflix binges on sunny days and the ability to eat your meals in front of the open refrigerator by picking through whatever it is you happen to have in there. On that last note, researchers say living solo has a downside: it means you eat like crap. [More]

Dating And Coupons Are Not A Perfect Match
Reaching for a coupon at the end of a dinner date could be a potentially mood-killing move. Or it could be a watershed moment to demonstrate shared affection for frugality. [More]

5 Things To Do With Leftover Turkey
The husband and wife personal finance blogging team Not Made Of Money tell you where to go and shove that leftover turkey of yours. [More]

Americans Love Burgers. A Lot.
Apparently burgers are recession-proof. In fact, according to a recent survey cited by the Boston Globe, “It may be one area of food service where [consumers] are less willing to cut back, despite the current economic environment.” We didn’t know there was a shortage of burger options in the U.S., to be honest, but about half of us think restuarants should offer more burger variety.

Eat Out And Save
Eating out is one of the fastest ways to burn a hole through your wallet, but with a few tips from Five Cent Nickel, you can still enjoy a good meal without breaking the bank.

El Pollo Loco Says It Will Honor Your Broken KFC Coupons On Mother's Day
Bill just emailed us with a link to this tweet from the El Pollo Loco rep on Twitter. Might be worth a shot if you were turned away by your local KFC yesterday and you think a free chicken meal is the perfect way to say “I love you” in motherese.

TV And Radio Stations Sell Restaurant Gift Certificates For 50% Off
If you’re in the market for 50% off a restaurant gift certificate, consider checking out your local television or radio station. Yes, really. Many stations receive restaurant gift certificates in exchange for air time. They then turn around and sell the certificates to the public at a steep discount. Yeah, it sounds strange to us too, but here’s how it works…

Royal Caribbean Levies $14.95 Steak Surcharge
Do you like flying? Well then you’re going to love cruising with Royal Caribbean! The cruise line recently announced plans to charge customers who order steak in the main dining room a $14.95 surcharge.

Restaurant Chain's Prez Mails Handwritten Apology For Botched Wedding Dinner
Consumerist reader MunkyBoi had a terrible experience at Tahoe Joe’s, where he and his fiancee held their wedding dinner. He tried to follow up with the manager of the restaurant, both to explain what went wrong and to commend the one waitress who saved the day, but the manager kept brushing him off. Finally he wrote a letter to corporate, and was surprised to receive a very personal response—along with a $250 gift certificate—a few days later. We’d love to know if that $250 came out of the manager’s profits.

This Subway Is Going To Reject Your Coupon One Way Or Another
Dale couldn’t redeem his “free 6 inch sub” coupon at his local Subway. Was it because of a particularly lazy employee, poor management, or dire financial straits? Maybe it was all three, considering the string of completely unrelated excuses Dale was given over just a few minutes.

This Wendy’s Frosty is even more delicious than the one we posted about yesterday. Dear Wendy’s managers, at least mark through the word “more” if you’re going to list the total price. (Thanks to Chris!)

This Frosty Must Be Delicious
Consumerist reader David saw this awesome special in his local Wendy’s restaurant. We wonder what kind of special magic goes into a Frosty to warrant a $5.99 price increase. Bacon grease? Extra HFCS? A no-spit guarantee? A short song and dance from the cashier? Or maybe they spend the extra money on “how to label signs properly” classes for the staff.

Backlash: United Drops Plan To Ax Hot Meals On International Flights
United Airlines said it would listen to feedback from customers about its proposed plan to ax hot meals for coach passengers on international flights… and it did. The company has decided not to go ahead with the plan. Reader Jason forwarded us the following email from Graham Atkinson, United’s Chief Customer Officer.

Airlines Have Bumped 343,000 Passengers This Year
Over a quarter-million passengers were bumped from flights in the past eight months, a number that is set to grow as airlines try to boost anemic profits by slashing fleets. The Department of Transportation requires airlines to compensate bumped passengers with cash or vouchers, but savvy passengers can leverage their situation to negotiate heftier payments…