
(Matt McGee)

McDonald’s Considering Switch To “Dollar Menu & More” (Where “More” Means Higher Prices)

While not each and every McDonald’s has a Dollar Menu with items that actually cost a dollar (Looking at you, NYC-area “value” menus), for the most part it’s been a draw for customers knowing they can get a number of of products for only a buck. Although now the company says its thinking of changing to a “Dollar Menu & More” value menu, the more being in this case, more money. [More]


Are McDonald’s Mighty Wings To Blame For Higher Chicken Prices?

Even though you can get chicken wings at any number of restaurants and bars across this great nation — and they are incredibly easy to cook at home — some people are still excited by the notion that they’ll be able to get “Mighty” wings from McDonald’s starting next week. But are these wings going to cause the price of chicken to soar? [More]


McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s Employees In 50 Cities Planning To Walk Off Job Today

If you’re in the mood for a Whopper, Baconator, or Big Mac today, you might be in for a wait, as some employees at two of the nation’s largest fast food chains have pledged to stage a walk-out today in protest against the low wages paid to workers in the fast food industry. [More]

(The Consumerist)

McDonald’s Confirms It Wasn’t Just Messing With Us: “Mighty Wings” Debuting Nationwide Sept. 9

If there’s one news trend we will follow from its first whispered breaths of life, it’s fast food rumors. Because talking about what could be is way more fun than actually eating what’s on the menu, right? To wit: McDonald’s oft-buzzed about Mighty Wings? We’ve been on the case since January, and now they’re really gonna be a thing, it seems. [More]

(The Consumerist)

If You Left Your Hand Grenade At The McDonald’s Drive-Thru, Vermont Police Would Like To Chat

Worrying about where you last left your possibly live hand grenade? Think back: Were you hungry? Did you drive up to, or walk by a McDonald’s drive-thru lane and happen to set it down whilst contemplating a choice of value meal? If so, Vermont police would like to speak with you, as cops had to evacuate a local shopping complex after a hand grenade was discovered just hanging out at McDonald’s. [WCAX News] [More]

(Paxton Holley)

Subway Now Outnumbers 30 Of The 50 Largest Fast Food Chains… Combined

People joke about their being a Starbucks or McDonald’s on every corner in America — and in some parts of the country that seems true — but did you know there are more Subway restaurants in the U.S. than there are Starbucks and McDonald’s combined? [More]


Driving Around & Stealing From Ronald McDonald Charity Boxes Is Just Plain Mean

A donation box bandit is allegedly ripping off Ronald McDonald House collection boxes from the drive-thru windows of at two Tampa McDonald’s, and cops aren’t pleased about it. They’re calling the suspect brazen, cold, cocky and cowardly. Because who else would waltz in front of surveillance cameras without covering his face to steal from charity? [More]


McDonald’s Driver Texts Customer To Ask If His Spit-Filled Meal Was Tasty

Some people like it when they get a follow-up call or e-mail from a business asking if they were were satisfied with their experience. That’s not so true for the McDonald’s customer in South Korea who got a text from a McDonald’s delivery driver asking him if he’d enjoyed the extra helping of saliva on his food. [More]

Burger King Russia Positions Whopper As Substitute For Opium And/Or McDonald’s

Burger King Russia Positions Whopper As Substitute For Opium And/Or McDonald’s

People are often quipping that fast food has a drug-like quality that keeps customers coming back for more, but the folks at Burger King’s Russian operation are making the connection quite literal, while at the same time apparently poking fun at McDonald’s. [More]

(Steve Rhode)

Man Asleep In McDonald’s Drive-Thru Lane Probably Just Didn’t Want To Miss Breakfast

Any night owl knows what a challenge it can be staying up late doing this that and the other thing, only to awaken at 10:27 the next morning craving McDonald’s breakfast. It’s a mad dash to the drive-thru at that point, a hectic ordeal we wouldn’t wish on our worst enemy. Maybe that’s why a guy was found slumbering sweetly in the Mickey D’s drive-thru lane — perhaps he was just getting in line for breakfast so as not to miss it? [More]

(Steve Rhode)

Don’t Get All Stabby When Skipping Fellow Customers In The Drive-Thru Line At McDonald’s

When other customers are behaving badly it can be very frustrating. But we’d like to take a moment to remind you, dear readers, not to come to fisticuffs during such trying times. Or the equivalent, with knives. Knivesicuffs? In any case, cops say a woman pulled a blade on a fellow customer after he reportedly got ticked off at her for cutting (skipping, not knifing) him in the drive-thru line. [More]

McDonald’s Customer Arrested After Calling 9-1-1 About Mixed-Up Order

McDonald’s Customer Arrested After Calling 9-1-1 About Mixed-Up Order

A man in Georgia decided to call 9-1-1 after not receiving everything he ordered during a recent trip to his local McDonald’s. His plan backfired, however, when he was the one who ended up behind bars. [More]

(Morton Fox)

How Much Would A Big Mac Go Up In Price If McDonald’s Workers Were Paid $15 Per Hour?

Update: After questions concerning the study at the center of the earlier post wondering how much a Big Mac would go up in price if workers were paid more, over at Forbes the story has been updated and corrected. [More]

This is a real thing that a real company is actually selling, and which some people will purchase.

New Monopoly Teaches Kids The Importance Of Xbox, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, and EA!

The folks at Hasbro have never had a problem letting everything from towns to universities to movies to big-name commercial brands slap their names on licensed versions of Monopoly, but a new version of the classic board game is unabashedly all about learning the value of today’s biggest fast food, retail, tech, and entertainment companies — everything a growing child needs to get ahead! [More]

(Great Beyond)

You Can Lead A Horse To The McDonald’s Drive-Thru But You Might Not Get Anything To Drink

While it’s your choice what mode of transportation you want to gallivant around town in, it seems the powers that be at McDonald’s don’t exactly consider a horse an appropriate vehicle for the drive-thru. Police in Manchester, England say a woman riding through was peeved to find out she couldn’t order on the go from atop her beast of burden. [More]

McDonald’s And Visa Quietly Edit Widely-Mocked Sample Budget, Add Heat

McDonald’s And Visa Quietly Edit Widely-Mocked Sample Budget, Add Heat

A few years ago, McDonald’s and Visa teamed up to make a personal finance site and workbook for Mickey D’s workers. A nationwide campaign that seeks a living wage for fast-food workers dug up the site, bringing it to the attention of news outlets, and it drew wide mockery online. In the middle of the controversy, they quietly uploaded a new version of the workbook. [More]

The U.S., in burger form.

This Burger Map Of The U.S. Is Both Fascinating And Flawed

People love burgers. People love Twitter (maybe love is too strong a word; perhaps “tolerate”). People also like interesting maps. So why not combine the three into a map of the U.S. showing which burger joints are the subject of the most Tweets in towns around the nation? [More]

Real budgets as filled out by actual employees of McDonald's.

Real McDonald’s Workers Share Actual Budgets — And They’re Nothing Like That Corporate Sample

We were a bit flabbergasted recently while looking at a budget planning guide from Visa for McDonald’s employees that conveniently added a second job (no easy feat for most) and also seemed to forget the fact that most people need staples like food and gasoline. Not to mention healthcare, which usually is a lot more than $20 a month. So what’s a real budget like for an honest to goodness, living, breathing, eating human being working at McDonald’s? [More]