In an effort to dispel the idea that Airbnb listings in New York City are filled with greedy landlords and homeowners who are basically hoteliers, the company has released new anonymized data that it says shows most listings are by hosts that only own one unit, and those that have multiple properties aren’t hogging an unfair share of the revenue generated using the platform. [More]
crunching numbers

Airbnb Releases Data On NYC Rentals To Combat Idea Of Greedy Landlords, Hoteliers Dominating The Platform

Missouri AG’s Lawsuit Accuses Walgreens Of Overcharging Customers
Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster is taking on Walgreen Co., accusing the pharmacy chain of overcharging customers. He filed a lawsuit yesterday, claiming the company is yanking customers’ chains by posting misleading or deceptive price tags on various items, after undercover investigators checked out consumer complaints at area stores. [More]

How Much Would A Big Mac Go Up In Price If McDonald’s Workers Were Paid $15 Per Hour?
Update: After questions concerning the study at the center of the earlier post wondering how much a Big Mac would go up in price if workers were paid more, over at Forbes the story has been updated and corrected. [More]