
Delta Exits Bankruptcy!

Delta Exits Bankruptcy!

Get ready for the rebranding, Delta Airlines has exited bankruptcy and they’ve got $10 million set aside towards making you believe they don’t suck. They’re probably going to paint the planes and do some new advertising. Woohoo! It’s a brand new day! —MEGHANN MARCO

Google Is More Important Than Coca-Cola

Google Is More Important Than Coca-Cola

Google was ranked #7 only a year ago. —MEGHANN MARCO

"Gen Y's" Top 15 Most Trusted Brands

"Gen Y's" Top 15 Most Trusted Brands

As much as we hate to fall back on sad concepts such as “Gen Y”, Reader Plaid sent us an interesting list of the top 15 most trusted brands among new consumers aged 21-27. According to the research firm that put together the survey, the youngish are drawn to brands that speak to them in a “straightforward and stripped-down way, use plain packaging, and avoid excess,” Personally, we don’t find this surprising as we (and most of the people we know ) are suffering from some sort of extreme marketing exhaustion as a result of being young during the 80s and 90s.

VIDEO: "Mercury Is A Natural Element" – Free Lightbulb Day At Chelsea Home Depot

While we agree with Mr. skeptical glasses in the video that it’s a good PR move for Home Depot, and coincides with the launch of their “green label” line of “eco-friendly” products, you know, consumers need a push with this issue. It’s hard for the shoppers at large to understand that while they cost a little bit more than your basic bulb, they will use less energy and save you money in the long-run. They also look funny.

Fast Food Ads Vs Reality

Fast Food Ads Vs Reality

We’ve posted on this topic before with Tengaport’s flickr pic of the Wendy’s Spicy whatever sammich vs reality. Since we liked that post so much we were delighted to see that someone had made a serious study of the topic. —MEGHANN MARCO

Walmart's New "Cable TV Show" Is Going To Be So Awesome

Walmart's New "Cable TV Show" Is Going To Be So Awesome

I don’t know if I’m the only one who finds this a little odd, but Wal-Mart is starting up a TV series about its associates. It’s going to be called “In-Front with Wal-Mart” and is set to air April 28 on USA. I’ve attached a screenshot capture of where I found this info. Seems kind of likely a silly PR stunt. Even though I work for Wal-Mart (and love it) I still think this is kind of ridiculous.

Hmmm, would USA really do a Walmart TV show? Sure! Why?

Free CFLs At Home Depot This Sunday

Free CFLs At Home Depot This Sunday

We’ve already mentioned this but people keep sending it in as a tip so apparently it bears repeating: Home Depot will be giving away 1 million (as in, not enough for all of you, Dear Consumerist Readers, for you are many and Home Depot is few) CFLs this Sunday in honor of Earth Day and as part of their new “green” labeling promotion.

Suicide Food: Animals That Want To Be Eaten

Suicide Food: Animals That Want To Be Eaten

Here’s a strange bit of marketing that has always bothered us: Animals that want to be eaten. Reminds us of something from a Douglas Adams book, only not as funny.

Quaker Agrees To Tone Down Their Claims That Eating Oatmeal Gives You Magical Powers

Quaker Agrees To Tone Down Their Claims That Eating Oatmeal Gives You Magical Powers

If one were to believe Quaker’s marketing, one might think that by eating oatmeal you would gain the power of flight. We certainly did. That’s why for 3 years we ate nothing but Quaker Instant Oatmeal and Pez candy. Not really.

American Airlines "African American" Site is "Coming Soon!!!"

American Airlines "African American" Site is "Coming Soon!!!"

American Airlines Eliminates Enfeebled "Women's" Search, Now Directs Women To Powerful Man Search – LGBT Search Remains The Same

Hallelujah, American Airlines has eliminated the gender-gap they created last week with the introduction of a powerless pink “women’s” search box. Women are now directed to American’s front page, where they must cope with the powerful, feature-rich man search.

United Ad: Some Of Our Best Businessmen, Are Women!

American Airlines getting “female marketing” totally buck wrong isn’t anything new. This United videos shows airlines have been wacky about women since at least 1968. At least. Here’s the transcript:

American Airlines Launches Weird, Lame Website "For Women"

American Airlines Launches Weird, Lame Website "For Women"

Check the latest carry-on regulations, find advice on travel safety and wellness, and pick up tips for a stylish and efficient travel wardrobe.

Psssst. Women like clothes. Mention that on the site. This is awesome. They’re totally going to fly our airline now. Make the search box pink, and get rid of all those “tools,” women hate tools.—MEGHANN MARCO

Universities Get Commissions For Credit Cards Sold On Campus

This CNN report shows how universities are cutting lucrative deals to let credit card marketers push their wares on campus. Schools will get commissions based on signups, or even based on the amount students charge on their new cards.

RIAA Sends Cease And Desist Letters To Its Own Viral Marketing Campaign

RIAA Sends Cease And Desist Letters To Its Own Viral Marketing Campaign

Trent Reznor leaks songs from his new album via USB drives hidden in bathrooms. Fans share the songs. Websites post the songs. Websites receive cease and desist letters from the RIAA. From Billboard:

Another Web posting alleged that all this activity resulted in entertainment blog Idolator and other sites receiving e-mail from the Recording Industry Association of America, demanding that they remove the MP3s from their sites. An RIAA representative confirms this, a move that boggles the minds of many. “These f*cking idiots are going after a campaign that the label signed off on,” the source says.

Good job, guys. —MEGHANN MARCO

4 Biggest Corporate Branding Disasters

4 Biggest Corporate Branding Disasters

“Again we’ve had no shortage of big branding mistakes last year and even early this year,” said Kelly O’Keefe, an independent branding consultant and CEO of O’Keefe Brands.

Breyer's Ice Cream Has Tara Gum

Breyer's Ice Cream Has Tara Gum

Remember the kid who liked Breyer’s Ice Cream because he could pronounce the ingredients? Milk, sugar… Can he pronounce “tara gum”?

Fight Back At Marketers By Surfing Anonymously

Fight Back At Marketers By Surfing Anonymously

Marketers just love to gather information about who is surfing the web and why. They’re not above tracking a user’s web history to learn about their interests and buying habits, but they can only do it if you let them.