
Drug Company VP Admits New Diet Drug Made Him Crap His Pants

“You may feel an urgent need to go to the bathroom. Until you have a sense of your treatment effects, it’s probably a smart idea to wear dark pants, and bring a change of clothes with you to work. “

There’s nothing to be ashamed about. Even GSK VP Steve Burton admitted to having “one experience like that.” Oily rectal spotting, you are just the price we must pay for thinness. Well, that… and $1 a day. —MEGHANN MARCO

If Banks Came To Life…

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Run Away, Banks Are Coming To Life As People

Run Away, Banks Are Coming To Life As People

If one of these brands came alive, which would duck out of helping you move? Which one would take your last beer? Which would get your girlfriend to cheat on you? Which would point you out as a kulak to the Red Army?

Microsoft Developing Software That Can ID You From Your Browsing Habits

Microsoft Developing Software That Can ID You From Your Browsing Habits

Here’s a nice thought: Microsoft is developing software that can analyze your internet habits and positively ID you. From New Scientist:

In online communities at least, entering fake details such as a bogus name or age may no longer prevent others from working out exactly who you are.

FTC To Investigate Deceptive Youth-Oriented Advertising Practices, Like KFC's "21st Century Dinner Bell," Audible Only To Kids

A report damning the coercive and deceptive practices used by food marketers to reach kids has been submitted to the FTC. The Commission plans to investigate how the food industry markets to children and adolescents; information requests, Commission-speak for subpoenas, have been sent to 44 companies that manufacture, market, and distribute foods and beverages.

Should Beer Be Labeled "Organic" If It's Made With Non-Organic Hops?

Should Beer Be Labeled "Organic" If It's Made With Non-Organic Hops?

The more we continue to live and breathe on this earth the more we realize that the term “organic” is really just code for “awesome marketing idea.”

How Much Does It Cost To Get Martha Stewart To Say Whatever You Want?

How Much Does It Cost To Get Martha Stewart To Say Whatever You Want?

Here’s a heck of a deal: For only $250,000, Martha Stewart will personally shill your product on her show. She even promises to “work in an advertiser’s talking points.” If you don’t have that much dough, you can grab a “one-time in-show oral mention with product close-up” for only $100,000.

Madison Square Garden Theater Naming Rights Bought By WaMu

Madison Square Garden Theater Naming Rights Bought By WaMu

Before you sports fans have a heart attack, it’s not all of Madison Square Garden that’s being renamed—just the theater inside where things like “Sesame Street Live” and the above TV On The Radio concert are performed. Washington Mutual has bought the naming rights to the 5,600 seat theater and will be renaming it “The WaMu Theater,” which brings up a larger question.

McDonald's Angus Burger Is Coming To Get You

McDonald's Angus Burger Is Coming To Get You

McDonald’s is pleased with the sales of its Angus Burger (currently available in test markets, such as LA) and is planning to release the beast on the unsuspecting Northeast.

“We’re going to be testing Angus burgers later this summer in one of the Northeast markets,” said King, McDonald’s East Division president. “With all test products we want to get a sense of different geographies and demographics so we’re going to take it around the block here in the East.”

Just in case you were wondering, the third-pound Angus with Bacon and Cheese packs 820 calories, 43g of fat, and 65g of carbohydrates. Combined with a large package of french fries (570 calories) and a large Coke (310 calories)… Your Angus Bacon and Cheese lunch provides you with 1700 delicious calories in one meal.

Don't Question The Existence Of God On Your Starbucks Cup Or Else

Don't Question The Existence Of God On Your Starbucks Cup Or Else

Starbucks is running a promotion whereby customers can submit their thoughts for inclusion on Starbucks cups, as part of an effort by Starbucks to “to promote open, respectful conversation among a wide variety of individuals,” according to their spokesperson.

Shrek To Market "Healthy" McDonald's Choices To Kids. What?

Shrek To Market "Healthy" McDonald's Choices To Kids. What?

A chubby troll , or giant, or whatever Shrek is supposed to be isn’t exactly the best spokesperson for healthy eating, but McDonald’s is using him anyway. The McDonald’s Shrek themed “Milk and Apples” campaign launches tomorrow.

Kmart To Resurrect "Blue Light Special"…Again

Kmart To Resurrect "Blue Light Special"…Again

Sears is aiming to be a one-stop shop for the home, while Kmart is turning its discount stores into a “marketplace of discoveries,” Lampert’s chief marketing officer, Maureen McGuire, said as Lampert looked on.

"Cocaine" Energy Drink Withdrawn Because Everyone Hates Its Name

"Cocaine" Energy Drink Withdrawn Because Everyone Hates Its Name

The company that made an energy drink called “Cocaine” took its product off the streets amidst haters getting all up in its grill over its “edgy” name.

Funeral Home Offers Discount For Sam's Club Members

Funeral Home Offers Discount For Sam's Club Members

Reader Emily sends us the above photo. She writes: This is directly across from the stoplight at the exit of the shopping center where Sam’s Club is located in Kirkwood, Missouri. If you have to stop at the light while leaving, it’s not possible to miss it.

Why Is Crunch Gym Forcing Spiderman 3 "Marketing Experiences" On Their Spinning Classes?

Why Is Crunch Gym Forcing Spiderman 3 "Marketing Experiences" On Their Spinning Classes?

Yesterday we followed up on reader’s bad experience at Crunch Gym by calling 2 of their locations, the corporate office and interviewing Angie, our reader.

Delta: Get Ready For "Signature" Cocktails and $5 HBO Movies

Delta: Get Ready For "Signature" Cocktails and $5 HBO Movies

Delta. Yesterday you were bankrupt, today you’re talking about HBO and alcohol.

Advertising's Next Big Idea: Sign Spinners!

They spin the signs on their hands, around the back, under the legs, flip em’ over the head, and so forth. Everyone once in a while they stop the sign so its message can actually be read.

Dead Goats Are Not Cool: Sony Apologizes For Using Freshly Slaughtered Goat At Video Game Release Party

Dead Goats Are Not Cool: Sony Apologizes For Using Freshly Slaughtered Goat At Video Game Release Party

Here’s the best idea ever: Get a slaughtered goat and use it as a prop at a release party for God of War II. Then, take pictures of the bloody carcass and put them in Official PlayStation Magazine. Oh wait, no. That’s not actually a very good idea at all.