Your dreams of getting a good buzz in the Green Mountain State have moved one step closer to reality, as Vermont is on the verge of becoming the first state to enact legislation legalizing the recreational use of marijuana. [More]

Medical Marijuana Safe From DOJ Prosecution — For Now
Although Attorney General Jeff Sessions is not a fan of marijuana, federal law has prohibited the Justice Department from using any of the funding it receives from Congress to prosecute medical marijuana in any state where it’s legal. Thanks to a new omnibus spending bill that just passed the House and Senate, it’ll stay that way — at least for the moment. [More]

Man Assumed He Could Grow Marijuana Because He “Thought It Would Be Legal Soon”
Sure, some bartenders might serve you a beer a few hours before your official 21st birthday, but that’s a far cry from growing 40 marijuana plants under the assumption that your state is going to legalize pot at some point in the near future. [More]

Some Marijuana Dispensaries Pull Pot Possibly Contaminated With Pesticides
Following reports that a variety of products sold at California medical marijuana dispensaries may be contaminated with potentially dangerous pesticides, a number of pot shops in the state have begun to stop selling these items. [More]

If Feds Crack Down On Recreational Pot, State May Let Marijuana Stores Reclassify As Medical Dispensaries
With the shadow of a possible federal crackdown on retail marijuana looming, Colorado lawmakers are taking steps to try to protect the state’s pot businesses by letting them re-classify as medical weed purveyors if the need arises. [More]

Oregon Lawmakers Trying To Prevent Marijuana Shops From Selling Customer Info
If you live in a state with legalized recreational marijuana and take advantage of your right to shop at your local pot shop, that retailer might know things about you that you’d rather keep private. That’s why Oregon may soon make it against the law for marijuana retailers to collect or sell their customers’ information. [More]

Governors Ask Attorney General To Leave Their Legal Marijuana Alone
While federal lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are pushing for legislation to reform marijuana laws, the executive branch of the government has given every indication of a coming crackdown on recreational marijuana, even in states where it’s now legal. The governors of the first four states to legalize pot are now asking the White House to respect their states’ voters and not return weed to the dark ages. [More]

8 Things John Oliver Wants You To Know About Marijuana
Each year, more and more states continue to legalize medical and even recreational marijuana use for their residents. But the drug remains illegal at the federal level, and conflicts abound, confusing consumers, businesses, and law enforcement alike. John Oliver shared some thoughts this week about how we got into this mess, and how we can get out. [More]

Illinois Lawmakers Propose Bill Legalizing Recreational Marijuana
Medical marijuana is already legal in Illinois, and newly introduced legislation hopes to add the Land of Lincoln to the small but growing list of states allowing the sale and use of recreational pot.

New Legislation Seeks To End Federal Ban On Marijuana
The same week that the White House likened legalized recreational marijuana to the opioid epidemic, and let it be known that the Justice Department will likely begin cracking down on non-medical pot, a Republican Congressman from Virginia introduced a law that, if passed, would put an end to the federal criminalization of marijuana. [More]

Airport Worker Accused Of Stealing Guns From Travelers, Trading Them For Pot
Whenever you check your bag before a flight, you’re putting a high degree of trust in airport staff that they won’t help themselves to the things inside. Yet another baggage handler has been accused of violating that trust, allegedly stealing guns out of travelers’ bags to trade for drugs. [More]

Despite Possible Crackdown, Nevada Will Allow Recreational Pot Sales In July
Yesterday, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that he expects the Justice Department to ramp up its efforts against non-medical marijuana. In spite of that statement, Nevada says it still plans to allow recreational pot sales to begin this summer. [More]

White House May Crack Down On Recreational Marijuana
Even though federal law currently prohibits the Justice Department from using any of the funding it receives from Congress to prosecute medical marijuana in 40 states (and D.C., Guam, and Puerto Rico), no law blocks the DOJ from going after recreational marijuana operations, even in the growing number of states where it’s been legalized. This afternoon, the White House likened recreational pot use to the opioid epidemic and hinted that it may opt to crack down on non-medical pot. [More]

Dressing Marijuana Up As Fruit Is Apparently The New Trend In Illegal Drug Shipping
Drug-busting has had a particularly fruity theme in Texas lately, where U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials have recently uncovered large loads of marijuana disguised as innocent produce. [More]

The Dream Is Still Alive For Alaska Pot Shop Smoking Lounge
Although an Alaskan retail marijuana shop’s efforts to get permission to open a pot lounge on the premises failed recently, there is still some hope for businesses in the state who are interested in providing on-site consumption. [More]

Should People Be Allowed To Smoke Up At Legal Retail Marijuana Shops?
So you’re visiting a state where recreational marijuana is legal. Congratulations! Now it’s time to get some of that green stuff and partake — but where are you supposed to get high if you don’t have a private residence? [More]