Sandra was trapped. She was trapped in the enchanted prison of the Disney Movie Club. She didn’t need someone to cast a spell and set her free, though: what she really needed was to pay off her entire account balance. The problem is that the enchantment robs the Movie Club of the ability to read checks, so they dragged out her departure by logging her $35 check as a $25 one. [More]

You'll Soon No Longer Be Able To Sell Your Magic Spells & Potions On eBay
If you’ve been making a nice living selling get rich quick potions, love spells, or tarot readings on eBay, your days are numbered. After Aug. 30, these are among the items that will no longer be available on the online auction megasite. [More]

Penn Says TSA Grabbed His Crotch. It Wasn't Magical.
Penn of Penn and Teller went through airport security and got a pat-down. The TSA agent didn’t ask him for permission before touching his crotch so Penn made the cops come down there. In light of recent news, his post about it from 2002 is getting passed around, and it’s an interesting look at how the TSA reacts in a security incident when they’re scared of you, instead of the other way around. [More]

USAA: Deposit Your Checks With An iPhone!
The friendliest bank in the world, USAA, will soon let customers instantaneously deposit checks through its iPhone application. Here’s how it works: you snap a picture of the front and back of your check, and send the picture to USAA. That’s it.

Verizon has penned a light-hearted response to the funny TWC “fiber” commercial that we posted earlier:
Bottom line: these guys may be selling some soggy cold cereal, but FiOS is an all-you-can eat buffet.
For what it’s worth: here’s our response to their response.

Scammers Arrested After Claiming They Could Multiply Money With A Secret Potion
Some scams are clever and some are not. This is one of the not-so-clever ones. Jean-Luc Mbilli and Constant Yao were arrested in Fort Lauderdale, FL after trying to convince Samith Ghazawi, an convenience store employee, that they could use a special potion to multiply money.