Other celebrities in the campaign include Sean Combs, Kimora Lee Simmons, Russell Simmons, Marc Ecko, Emeril Lagasse, Tyler Florence, Tommy Hilfiger and Kenneth Cole. Some ads also feature Tim Gunn, co-host of the TV show “Project Runway.” The ads were created by WPP Group’s JWT.

Will Jessica Simpson, Donald Trump and Martha Stewart Convince You To Shop At Macy's?

Got An Inactive Macy's Store Account? Here's Your New Citibank Mastercard
Recently, a Consumerist tipster sent in an internal memo from Macy’s explaining that the store was “flipping” 3.5 million inactive store accounts into Citibank Mastercards. The memo reads:
“Approximately 3.5 million inactive (24-48 months) Macy’s accounts have been selected to “flip” to the Citibank Mastercard. That means the customer will be sent a Citibank Mastercard to replace their inactive Macy’s card. “

What's Wrong With Macy's? Second Quarter Profit Drops 77%
According to the Chicago Sun-Times, Macy’s has cut their yearly outlook after their second quarter profits dropped 77%. What’s the big problem?

Fruit Fly Infestation Shuts Down Macy's Food Court
Health inspectors found over 200 fruit flies infesting the lower level food court of the Macy’s State Street store in Chicago. Inspectors first discovered the infestation last week after a disgusted customer complained to 311. Food court employees apparently were not bothered by either the fruit flies or the health inspectors. From the Chicago Tribune:
“Not only did they not do anything, the problems seemed to get worse,” [Tim Hadac, spokesman for the Chicago Department of Public Health] said. “It was a surprising and disappointing lack of adherence to basic food safety regulation… We stopped counting fruit flies when they hit 200.”
The inspectors also found:

Should Macy's Require Employees To Wear Black?
Starting this September, all Macy’s employees will be required to wear black clothes to work. The dress code, which is designed to help customers identify apparently-elusive sales associates, is already in effect in east coast stores, but will be expanded to the 113 stores composing the midwest division. While consumer behavior specialists rave about the change, union officials have filed a grievance against Macy’s for requiring workers to purchase new clothes. Do employee uniforms improve your shopping experience? Tell us after the jump.

Macy's To Be Bought Out?
According to Women’s Wear Daily, struggling, Cincinnati-based retailer Macy’s may be the target of a buyout. Despite grand plans to become a nationwide discount department store, Macy’s has been struggling to make any money.

Reader Tries In Vain For 16 Months To Get Stainsafe To Honor Couch's Warranty
Adam’s mother has been trying for 16 months to get Stainsafe to honor its warranty for her ripped couch. SIXTEEN MONTHS. She’s documented the series in a time-line of ineptitude. She definitely deserves the warranty repair, but then some part of us is like, ductape?
Strange Dell Fashion Show Announces New Line Of Pretty Colored Laptops
Unable to resist, we sent Gawker video wunderkid Alex Goldberg to tape the affair awesomeness. We hypothesize the fete was conceptually tied to Dell’s new line of Insprions which come in different colors, meaning that Dell has finally caught up to Apple, circa 1998.

How To Take Pictures Inside Stores Without Getting Caught
How can you take hundreds of pictures inside a store without getting caught? It can be really hard. If you ask for permission, it will be likely be denied. If you’re too conspicuous, someone will say, “No pictures!” and you could get thrown out.
Macy’s Wants Your Social Security Number For A Gift Card Return
Reader George writes in because Macy’s asked his wife for her Social Security Number when she tried to return a pair of jeans she bought online with a gift card. No, she wasn’t trying to get cash back. Yes, she had all the documentation from Macys.com.

Diddy Sorry About “Faux Fur” Coat Made of Dog
We posted recently about the Humane Society’s investigation into the widespread use of canine fur from China in clothes sold in the US. One coat in particular was made by Diddy’s line “Sean Jean” and was initially labeled “faux.” Tests prove the coat uses dog fur.
Sean Jean Sells Dog Fur Jacket as “Faux”
- “First these jackets were falsely advertised as faux fur, and then it turned out that the fur came from a type of dog,” said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The HSUS. “This is an industry-wide problem, and our investigation demonstrates that retailers and designers aren’t paying close enough attention to composition of the fur trim they are selling. It’s especially problematic when the fur is sourced from China where domestic dogs and cats and raccoon dogs are killed in gruesome ways, even skinned alive. The safest course of action is for Sean Combs and other designers and retailers to stop using fur trim. That single act would solve the problems we have uncovered.”
Gift Cards Are The Most Popular Gift
The 2006 Deloitte report on gift cards is out, and it’s official. Gift cards are the single most popular gift this holiday season. But are they a good buy? Sort of. It seems that due to consumer pressure, and FTC pressure, stores are improving their customer service/disclosure of fees when it comes to gift cards. But that doesn’t meant there aren’t still a lot of problems. The Montgomery County, Maryland, Office of Consumer Protection which assesses dozens of cards annually, has released their 2006 report. The report evaluates 40 different gift cards, looking for things like whether or not the card can be replaced if lost or stolen, whether the cards have an expiration date, and whether fees are assessed to the card’s balance. Basically, you want to avoid the following cards:
Amazon.Com Wins Best Customer Service
Online megastore Amazon.com won top honors in a national customer service survey released last Thursday. Here’s the top ten list, according to a National Retail Federation/American Express study.
Shopping At Macy’s? Check For Double-Billing
After spotting a duplicate charge for a single purchase she made last Wednesday, she emailed the Macy’s customer service. Macy’s contacted her and requested more details.
Macy’s Sweeps Stolen Carpet Under The Rug
When Seth G. bought a splendid new carpet from Macy’s for over $1,500 bucks, Macy’s didn’t send it via Fed Ex. They didn’t send it via DHL. Heck, not even UPS. They sent it by a little company called Roadway. Hey, Macy’s didn’t get rich by not knowing how to pinch some pennies.

The News; Myspace Eats Lead
• Just make sure your kids eat the lunch, not the box. [ABC] “FDA Warns Lunch Box Makers About Lead”

Update: Boston Macy’s Removes Gay Mannequins
A customer complained to Macy’s about their removal of gay mannequins from Boston window displays in response to a campaign by an anti-gay religious group.