Are you disappointed that you missed out on Mac n’ Cheetos during their fleeting availability at Burger King? No need to be sad: the orange breaded carbohydrate globs will be available at the regional convenience store chain Sheetz, which is useful if you happen to be traveling anywhere between Ohio and North Carolina. [More]
mac n’ cheetos

Burger King’s “Slightly Congealed” Mac N’ Cheetos Underwhelm Customers, Food Reviewers
It’s been exactly a week since Burger King made every cheese lovers’ dreams (or nightmares) come true by shoving glowing, orange-ish mac and cheese inside a hollow, fried giant Cheeto. So, how has the fast food company’s Mac n’ Cheetos concoction been received since it officially hit stores on Monday? Let’s just say the initial feedback is underwhelming. [More]

Burger King Unleashes “Mac n’ Cheetos,” Which Is Exactly What It Sounds Like
If you’ve ever looked at a plate of glowing, orange-ish mac and cheese and thought, “Hey, this looks a bit like a Cheeto… they should put mac and cheese inside of huge Cheetos… where’s my shoe?” then Burger King has apparently been reading your mind, announcing the test of, what else, “Mac n’ Cheetos.”