A group of exotic dancers in Louisiana say a new state law barring women under the age of 21 from stripping is a violation of their constitutional rights. [More]

As Floods Ravage Louisiana, Here’s How To Avoid Home Repair & Charity Scams
As you have no doubt already heard, flood waters are wreaking havoc in Louisiana, displacing many thousands of residents and doing untold damage to their homes. When the waters eventually recede and people return home, there will inevitably be scammers ready to take advantage of their situation; just as there will be bogus charities and other fraudsters waiting to cash in on the good will of other Americans. [More]

Lawsuit Alleges 7th Death Tied To Defective Takata Airbags
The ongoing recall of defective Takata airbags in vehicles from 11 different car makers has already been tied to more than 100 injuries and six fatalities. A recently filed lawsuit alleges that the faulty parts are responsible for at least one additional death. [More]

Comcast Sat By As ID Thieves Set Up Multiple Accounts, Ran Up Thousands In Charges
A local news report in Nashville about a local man whose ID was stolen and used to open up two bogus Comcast accounts hundreds of miles away in Louisiana has uncovered numerous additional complaints from consumers in the area who say they have also been sent to collections for fake Comcast accounts opened in the same city. [More]

Best Western Turns Away Family With Service Dog, Waits A Week To Fix Problem
We’re guessing that no one at Best Western is checking the hotel chain’s Facebook page today, as it’s full up with people angry that the company not only denied a room to a family with a service animal, but then waited a week to try to make good on its mistake. [More]

Louisiana, Where Killing A Cab Driver “May” Be Considered Murder
Usually when you see signs reminding people of penalties for crimes, it’s because a particular offense carries with it a harsher-than-usual penalty — “Fines Doubled In Work Zone,” “Assaulting a Transit Employee is a Felony,” “Failure to Follow Cabin Crew’s Instructions May Result in Arrest”… that kind of thing. But the wording on one sign in Louisiana makes us wonder how little the folks of that state value taxi drivers. [More]

Walmart Blames Xerox (Who Blames Walmart) For Unlimited EBT Shopping Spree
Over the weekend in Louisiana, some food stamp recipients realized that their EBT cards were suddenly showing up as having no limit, resulting in empty shelves and overflowing shopping carts as people tried to buy as much stuff as possible with their cards before the glitch was fixed. Now, Walmart and Xerox are playing the blame game over who’s at fault. [More]

Threatening To Blow Up A Nuclear Power Plant Will Not Lower Your Utility Bill
Upset about some new surcharges on his power bill, a Louisiana man did what no one should absolutely ever, in any world, even consider doing — he allegedly threatened to blow up a nuclear power plant. [More]

Yes, You Can Be Charged With DWI For Driving Drunk On A Walmart Scooter
If you think you have to be driving a car, truck, SUV, motorcycle or even a Vespa to qualify for a DWI, the police in Houma, Louisiana, would disagree. On Sunday night, they arrested a man for operating a Walmart motorized scooter while having a blood alcohol content of .179. [More]

Juvies Dosing Kids With Schizophrenia Meds To Keep Them Docile
An investigative report found that New Orleans juvenile detention centers are giving the kids potent antipsychotics four times as often as the conditions for which they were designed to treat, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, actually show up in the inmate population. People inside the system say the jails are dosing the kids because it’s easier to deal with them when they’re “little zombies.” [More]

BP Took 79 Days To Do Fix Citizen Sent Them On Day 6
A reader claims he emailed BP and the White House on April 28th with the very method put into place to seal the gushing oil well on July 10th, and all he ever got back were boilerplate form letter replies. [More]

Duo Buys $10K Worth Of Domino's Pizza With Stolen Credit Cards
Here’s a question for ya: If you were going to risk jail time by using stolen credit card information, what would you choose to spend the ill-gotten money on? According to police in Louisiana, the answer for two local men was to spend $10,000 dollars at Domino’s Pizza. [More]

Oh My God Is The Oil Spill Going To Mess Up The Oysters?
The fish and shrimp might escape the oil, but what will happen to the oysters? Marketplace talks to Sal Sunseri, the owner of P&J Oysters in New Orleans, a company that’s been around since 1876 and is the number one oyster supplier to New Orleans restaurants. The question: What’s going to happen to the oysters if the spill gets worse? [More]

Man Causes Thousands In Fire Damage After Walmart Refuses Return
After Walmart wouldn’t let him make a return, Phillip R. Wright, 41, of Monroe, Louisiana, pictured, left, looking disgruntled and pretty “arsony,” set a men’s clothing rack inside the store on fire.

Healthy Appetites Banned From The Buffet
Two men from Houma, LA say they were banned from the Manchuria Restaurant for eating too much, too often.

Data Breach At Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance
The Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance has waited a month to inform students that a disc containing their FAFSA information has been lost. The FAFSA includes information “generally used in identity theft like names and social security numbers,” according to Melanie Amrhein, director of the office. The disc had “added security measures” that she says makes it “unlikely” that anyone will decipher the data.

Anonymous Businessman Settles Elderly Couple's Tax Nightmare
Remember the Atwoods? They were facing the possibility of losing their home after it was sold to pay $1.63 in property tax.