
Avoid Tax Refund Anticipation Loans

    Some of America’s most cash-strapped taxpayers – those from low- and moderate-income families – spent nearly $1 billion in the latest year recorded for what is almost always an unnecessary product: the so-called “refund anticipation loan” at income tax time. With another tax season gearing up, consumer advocates at the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) and Consumer Federation of America (CFA) are warning taxpayers to steer clear of refund anticipation loans (RALs), one of the most avoidable tax-time expenses. New figures reveal that RALs drained about $960 million in loan fees, plus over $100 million in other fees, from the wallets of nearly 9.6 million American taxpayers in 2005. “Taxpayers can save themselves over a billion dollars by just saying ‘no’ to quick tax refund loans,” says NCLC staff attorney Chi Chi Wu. “These loans take a chunk out of your hard earned tax refund, and they expose you to the risk of unmanageable debt if your refund doesn’t arrive as expected.”

TRA’s are bad! Just say no.—MEGHANN MARCO

Payday Lenders Are Just A Symptom

Payday lenders receive buckets of bane for preying upon low-income, under informed borrowers, as ruminated upon in a recent NYT piece:

Class Actions Loom For Subprime Lenders

Soon, the piper may have to pay the piper: class actions against sub-prime lenders could be just around the corner.

Graph: States Hit Hardest By Foreclosure Spree

Graph: States Hit Hardest By Foreclosure Spree

Which states are being hit the worst by the foreclosure spree? Here’s the top 10.

Never Overstate Your Income On A Loan App

Never say you make more than you really do on your loan application. It’s:

New Home Buyer Beware

New Home Buyer Beware

What to look out for when buying a new home: predatory lenders, kickbacks to title insurance companies and super-fun undisclosed terms.

IRS Axes Displaying Loan Pitches Alongside Tax Refunds

The IRS will no longer include pitches for high interest refund loans alongside its e-tax filing service.

Fix Your Credit Score Fast, For A Price

Fix Your Credit Score Fast, For A Price

If it were Monopoly, the card would say, “Bank Error Not In Your Favor.”

Mortgage Fraud Festered Under Housing Bubble, Feds Investigate

Mortgage Fraud Festered Under Housing Bubble, Feds Investigate

In ’05, a small company bought up run-down duplexes in northeast Indiana at $50,000 a pop. Less than a month later, they were selling them for $120,000 to church secretaries, truckers, retirees and factory workers.

Payday Loanshark’s Waters Drain

A proposed cap on payday loan percentages charged to members of the military is nearing final approval. The bill aims to limit the vigorish to 36%, down from the usual 350%. Great, how about the rest of us?

Be Billed For Paying Off Your Bills With BoA’s Magic Trailing Interest!

Be Billed For Paying Off Your Bills With BoA’s Magic Trailing Interest!

If there’s one thing we can comfortably count upon, it’s that the policy members of major corporations are geniuses. We’re not kidding. If they’d turned their attentions away from business and finance and to scientific matters, they would already have invented the time machine and I’d be able to experience first-hand what a great kisser I’ll be in ten years. Unfortunately for us all, instead, they exert their ingenuity to figuring out ways to keep us in massive amounts of debt, even after we’ve paid our bills.

Bank of America Ruined My Credit

Bank of America Ruined My Credit

The News is Too Short to Ride

The News is Too Short to Ride

• JetBlue, Continental, ranked a mile high above competition. [LAT] “JetBlue Gets Top Ratings in Survey”

Another Swell HSBC Loan Offer!

Another Swell HSBC Loan Offer!

The News

• Northwest and its flight attendants enter final denouement, again. [CT]

Minorities Get The Worst Loans

Minorities Get The Worst Loans

Were you cursed with skin a shade darker than a gleaming opalescent white? Are your nethers nutmeg or, worse yet, ebony? Well, the honkies here at the Consumerist love you… but unfortunately, loan companies don’t. Also, you can’t have any of our money.

American Dream Faces Setbacks in Peoria

There’s a scandal brewing in Peoria and it doesn’t smell like potpourri.

Insurance Upsell Smells Off

Insurance Upsell Smells Off

    Hi Ben,