Shaming a debtor may be an effective — and potentially illegal or unethical — way of getting them to pay up, but should children who have no control over their family finances be publicly shamed if it gets their parents to pay their outstanding school lunch bills? [More]

5 Reasons Restaurants Should Think Twice About Shaming Bad Customers
Running a restaurant — which is often a narrow-profit, high-risk operation with frequent staff turnover — is not easy, and those employees and owners who do work hard sometimes feel like they only hear complaints from customers. So it’s not entirely surprising that some restaurant folks choose to use social media to shame bad customers, especially those who don’t tip well. [More]

8 Personal Finance Lessons Learned From Monopoly
Remember those cold winter nights when your family stayed up late and fought to bankrupt each other? Recall the number of times you cheered a little metal dog (or hat or thimble) to move around a square board quickly? Recollect regularly screaming “come on seven!” only to roll a six? Who knew that all that time you were really learning about personal finance? Well, Blueprint for Financial Prosperity now knows this was the case. He’s detailed eight personal finance lessons he learned from Monopoly.

After Internet Humiliation, Landlord Stops Harassing Reader
Doug was mad because Woodmont Real Estate was coming after him for rent he felt he didn’t owe. So he made a webpage complaining about the collection agents they sicced on him, along with a litany of the apartment complex’s shortcomings (hot dogs in the hot tub, windows that won’t open, etc).

One Pearl Place Is A Shithole
Doug has set up a fun website to put his former apartment complex, One Pearl Place, in the stockades. Hot dogs in the hot tub, thin walls, windows that won’t open, broken glass left on stairways, and a little thing about them trying to get him to pay $400 extra dollars.