
A Bunch Of Information About Home Equity Loans

A Bunch Of Information About Home Equity Loans

Got questions about home equity loans and home equity lines of credit (HELOC)? You’re not alone. Thankfully, Bankrate has tons of information about this very topic, and when we say tons… We’re not kidding. This should keep you busy for awhile. —MEGHANN MARCO

Debt Collectors Use Pocket Service Laws For No-Courts-Required, Insta-Garnishment!

Debt Collectors Use Pocket Service Laws For No-Courts-Required, Insta-Garnishment!

In Minnesota, debt collectors can send a garnishment request directly to your bank and start snatching your dollars without even having through a court of a law.

Things Debt Collectors Can't Do

Things Debt Collectors Can't Do

Seattle P-I has a good article about what debt collectors can and can’t do. For instance, they can’t:

Loanshark & Debt Collector Horror Show Roundup

Loanshark & Debt Collector Horror Show Roundup

“I make threats of arrest, property seizure, wage garnishment, and sometimes (usually if it’s a woman) I will threaten bodily harm if there is no payment….”

Student Lending Investigation Could Lead To Criminal Charges

Student Lending Investigation Could Lead To Criminal Charges

An investigation into student lending practices by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo could lead to criminal charges being filed, he says.

College Officials Profited By Selling Stock In Lending Companies They Recommended To Students

College Officials Profited By Selling Stock In Lending Companies They Recommended To Students

The financial aid directors at Columbia University, the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Southern California profited from selling stocks in a student loan company on the “preferred lender list” at each of the universities.

Credit Report And Score Savvy Roundup

Credit Report And Score Savvy Roundup

“…stratagems for seeing your FICO score without subscribing to costly services.”

How To Improve Your Credit Score With Department Store Credit Cards

How To Improve Your Credit Score With Department Store Credit Cards

A worker in the credit industry, Derek, gave us some tips to help young Paul boost his access to credit so he can live his American Dream.

20 And No One Will Give Me Credit, What's Up?

20 And No One Will Give Me Credit, What's Up?

Paul is chasing the American Dream, looking to buy land and build a house on it in the next few years. He works hard, pays his bills on time, and has a good credit rating, but no one will actually give him any credit.

Universities Settle Allegations Of Citibank Kickbacks For Student Loan Referrals

Universities Settle Allegations Of Citibank Kickbacks For Student Loan Referrals

Eight universities agreed to stop accepting kickbacks from Citibank for private loan referrals, and five agreed to refund a total of $3.27 mil to thousands of students, following an investigation by NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo (pictured).

Contextual Ad Answers Article's Question About Cause Of Subprime Lending Crisis

Contextual Ad Answers Article's Question About Cause Of Subprime Lending Crisis

Eric writes:

Are Interest-Only Home Loans A Good Idea? (Mostly No)

Are Interest-Only Home Loans A Good Idea? (Mostly No)

Kim asks,

NPR: Elizabeth Warren On The Credit Card Industry

NPR: Elizabeth Warren On The Credit Card Industry

Reader Jaime alerts us to an interesting interview from Fresh Air on NPR. In the interview Harvard Law Professor and credit card industry expert Elizabeth Warren dishes on abusive lending practices, the ever-malleable interest rate, universal default and all that fun stuff.

Which Mortgage Is Right For You?

Which Mortgage Is Right For You?

So many lifestyles, so many loans…which one goes with which? Bankrate has a tool that matches your lifestyle to one of 8 different types of mortgages. You’re bound to match one of them, right? —MEGHANN MARCO

Yet Another Should-Have-Been-Obvious Effect Of The Subprime Lending Fiasco

Yet Another Should-Have-Been-Obvious Effect Of The Subprime Lending Fiasco

Loans On Your Cell Phone

Loans On Your Cell Phone

Lawsuit: US Department Of Education Overcharging On Student Loans?

Lawsuit: US Department Of Education Overcharging On Student Loans?

Has the US Department of Education been unfairly overcharging millions of Americans despite “repeated warnings that it was breaking the law?” According to a lawsuit filed yesterday, the Department of Education may have some explaining to do.

Now Home Depot Wants To Be A Bank

Now Home Depot Wants To Be A Bank

Atlanta-based The Home Depot Inc. (NYSE: HD) also has applied to run its own bank…The bank would allow Home Depot to enable contractors to offer home improvement loans to their own remodeling customers.