
ShoppingPath: Eyeball Saving Comparison Shopping

ShoppingPath: Eyeball Saving Comparison Shopping

Aiming for “total market transparency,” ShoppingPath plans to revolutionize online shopping visualization with a new model of product comparison tool that graphically groups products according to their price and features.

Powow Of HOWTO

Here’s how to….

Hack Your Life Roundup

“How to put this delicately… Windows Media Player 10 Mobile, um, bites. “

Hack Your Life Roundup

Telephone Hacks Roundup

Hack Your Life Roundup

Avoid being bumped – put your airlines on speed dial.

Hack Your Life Roundup

• Don’t trash broken stuff; send it back • Ten must-know details on the new iPods • DIY mobile phone repair. • Stream video to your TiVo • How to rebook first when your…

Hack Your Life Roundup

How to install RAM in your Mac (and save big $$$)

Get A Human With Bringo. Maybe.

Get A Human With Bringo. Maybe.

Good old Adam Pash over at Lifehacker wanted to make sure everyone here knew about Bringo, a service that calls customer service for you, automatically navigates the phone tree and then calls you back when they’ve got a human on the line.

Hack Your Life Roundup

Calculate your car’s miles per dollar. “Calculating your MP$ is an interesting way to measure the approximate cost of any trip you take.”

Hack Your Life Roundup

Know which aisle it’s in with the Grocery Shopping Helper

Hack Your Life Roundup

Should you drop your land line?

Use Your Email or a Wikipad to Keep Track of CSR Shennanigans

Use Your Email or a Wikipad to Keep Track of CSR Shennanigans

If you’re not recording your customer service calls, lacking the proper cybertronic chips implanted in your jelly-like gray matter, Lifehacker has some great advice: keep track of your customer service issues through email. As their reader writes:

Lifehacker Suffers Trifecta of Crappy Cable Companies

Lifehacker Suffers Trifecta of Crappy Cable Companies

Adam Pash, Lifehacker associate editor, moved into a new apartment and signed up for Adelphia internet connection, which promptly had mad troubs. Which is understandable. Adelphia is bankrupt.

Hack Your Life Roundup

Hack Your Life Roundup

How should I handle poor customer service? “This past weekend I had to deal with 3 large companies that just bullied me around.”

Hack Your Life

Thrifty, useful, roundup of posts from blog neighbor Lifehacker, who is still Jenny from the block and not to be judged by the size of her rocks.

HOW-TO: Avoid Gelatinated Pedestrians, Make Your Own Air Conditioner

HOW-TO: Avoid Gelatinated Pedestrians, Make Your Own Air Conditioner

Speaking of childish encounters with swarms of insects, I also have a wonderful story about trying to prevent a one hundred pound air conditioner from plummeting out of the window down upon the hunched spine of my aged mother as a hive of wasps inserted their spiny protuberances into every pore of my face. Unfortunately, the full details of this epic tale of boy vs. air conditioner vs. a million angry wasps would far exceed Gawker’s newly instituted post character maximum limit.

Lifehacker Roundup

How to travel with one carry-on.

Using Craigslist To Find The Perfect Apartment

Using Craigslist To Find The Perfect Apartment

Everyone associated with Lifehacker editor Gina Trapani takes on the alluring glow of her optimism. Rainbows, after all, beam out of her cheeks. So I’m sure Adam Pash writing over at Lifehacker will pardon me for calling him a luscious lass.