Dells spontaneously combust. MacBooks melt scrotums. If reports are to be believed, ether company’s laptop is hot enough to cauterize lopped off limbs. But which one is hotter?

• When your MacBook is cooking, Apple prefers you sizzle blind. [Tuaw] “MacBook Pro heat problem heats up”

Best Posts Ever, This Week
• Not quite what you would call a garden of earthly delights. “Life Inside in an AOL Call Center“
Crappiest Laptop Table in the World
Jason obviously didn’t read the warning label on the bottom of the “Freedom Laptop Table ii” informing him the device also doubled as a trebuchet. Too bad for his week-old high-end Acer Ferrari laptop.

Greasy MacBooks Have Venereal Disease
What do these things have in common? The thighs of a cheap harlot. The armpit stains saturating a large Italian man’s undershirt. The Cheetos-dusted palms of a role-playing gamer. A used piece of toilet paper. A three-week old Macbook.

BREAKING: Wells Fargo Loses Laptop With Customers Private Data
Lee received a letter today from Wells Fargo notifying him that they lost a laptop containing his and other customer’s private data.

Aetna Loses Laptop With 38,000 User’s Personal Info
month not to leave our laptops in the car. Also, we have to sign the “Code of Conduct” every year, part of which says ‘I promise not to leave my company laptop in the car.’ “

Fidelity Loses Laptop Containing Customers’ Personal Info
A Fidelity laptop containing customer’s personal data was stolen on March 15th but one man didn’t find out until last week, April 13th.


BUY: Thrifty Hi-Octane Laptops
Save money without compromise on the ABS Mayhem G4 notebook for $1,999.

HOWNOTTO: Buy a Laptop
UPDATE: Patricia wrote in how she purchased a defective laptop from the Uniwill corporation who didn’t respond to her requests for them to live up to their warranty for on-site service. Even after finally getting through to the repair center and sending her laptop in, it was sent back in exactly the same condition: it powered down whenever a CD was inserted.

HOWTO Buy a Laptop on Ebay
Solid article here on purchasing a notebook computer online. Much of the advice is common sense but are good reminders to review when salivating over the latest i-Thingy, like verifying the repair history, seeing if there are any dead pixels, and making sure the CD/DVD drive isn’t filled with peanut butter.

Consumers Speak: Lenovo’s Tricky Customer Service
Ever since IBM sold their industry standard Thinkpad line of laptops to Lenovo, some have worried if the quality of the units would suffer. On the whole, it seems they haven’t—they continue to review well, performance-wise.