The recent revelation that your grated parmesan cheese might contain some cellulose powder led to dozens of lawsuits against Kraft Heinz, Walmart, Target, Albertsons, Publix, and others, alleging that these companies misled shoppers with labels that declared “100% grated parmesan” or something similar. But today the federal judge overseeing all these disputes dismissed the lawsuits, saying that people should read the labels on the food they buy. [More]

Kraft Heinz Trying To Buy Unilever, Bring Your Ketchup And Mayo Under One Roof
Once upon a time, there was Kraft, home to blue-boxed mac-and-cheese and several other grocery store favorites. Then there was Kraft Heinz, bringing your ketchup and other condiments together with your cookies and cheese. And now, if Kraft Heinz gets its way, they might be joined by European mega-conglomerate Unilever, tying half your grocery store together under one big corporate umbrella. [More]

Kraft Scoops .5 Ounces Out Of Philadelphia Cream Cheese Bins
If you’re expecting guests for the holidays, you might pick up some bagels and tubs of flavored cream cheese to feed them. An 8-ounce tub of Philadelphia cream cheese soon won’t go as far as it used to: tubs that have been hit with the Grocery Shrink Ray and downsized to 7.5 ounces have been spotted in stores. [More]

Bigger Packages Of Kraft Cheese Slices Have Smaller Slices, No One Will Tell Us Why
American cheese slices: they’re handy, they make a fine grilled cheese, and they fit conveniently in your purse. What’s not to enjoy? Yet Allen noticed something strange while shopping for cheese: the size of each slice varies slightly according to how big a package of cheese you’re buying. Why is that? Update: Now we know why. [More]

Food Conglomerates That Take In Organic Brands Have Learned To Leave Them Alone
Big players in the packaged food industry have used a tactic of “if you can’t beat ’em, acquire ’em” when it comes to brands in the natural and organic foods sector. Yet what initially seemed like perfect corporate marriages of convenience may not be working out as well as anyone had originally planned. [More]

Kraft Recalling 36,000 Cases Of Cheese Due To Packaging Choking Hazard
True story: I had a friend in college who often wanted a snack while we were out and about on weekend nights guzzling Milwaukee’s Best Light. To curb her cravings, she’d often stick a few Kraft singles cheese slices in her purse, conveniently wrapped in plastic for individual snacking opportunities. Alas, that same convenient packaging is at the heart of a new voluntary recall from Kraft, over concerns that people could choke on the plastic wrapping. [More]

Subway Removing Artificial Ingredients From Its Menu By 2017
Last April, Subway stopped using Azodicarbonamide – a chemical that is used to improve elasticity in bread but that also shows up in things like yoga mats. Now, the sandwich shop is taking things a step farther, by making plans to drop all artificial ingredients from its menu by 2017. [More]

Kraft To Remove Synthetic Colors, Artificial Preservatives From Original Mac & Cheese
The bright orange color of your childhood will no longer come from a synthetic source: After removing controversial dyes from some kid-targeted macaroni and cheese products, Kraft is following suit by nixing synthetic colors and artificial preservatives from its Original Macaroni & Cheese in the United States, with Canada to follow later. [More]

U.S. Commodities Regulators Accusing Kraft, Mondelez Of Manipulating Wheat Prices
The U.S. Commodities Futures Trading Commission is suing Kraft Foods Group Inc. and Mondelez Global LLC, which was spun off from Kraft in 2012, claiming the two food Goliaths manipulated wheat prices in 2011, earning profits of $5.4 million as a result. [More]

HJ Heinz Buying Kraft In Deal That Will Create One Huge Food Giant
Usually when two parties walk down that aisle and say “I do” in front of everyone, there are a few whispers from those assembled wondering when the twosome will settle down and start making children. In the case of Heinz and Kraft, everyone already knows what their union will produce — a giant food company baby. [More]

How Dollar-Store Shoppers Saved Single-Serve Velveeta
It’s a matter for some debate whether the continued existence of single-serving packages of Velveeta is good or bad in general for humanity. America narrowly avoided last year’s threatened Velveeta shortage, and its manufacturer Kraft considered taking the smallest packages of their processed cheese product off the market. Then they looked more closely at their sales numbers and noticed something interesting. [More]

September Food And Supplement Recall Roundup – Salmonella Is Not A Superfood
In our September Recall Roundup for food, there could be walnuts lurking in the spinach, eggs in the frozen desserts, and Salmonella in pretty much every kind of food. [More]

Not The Cheese!! Kraft Recalls American Singles For Possible Premature Spoilage
Obeying the correct storage process for ingredients is of the utmost importance when it comes to creating ooey-gooey cheesy deliciousness. And improper storage can spoil your cheese – as one supplier found out now that loads of Kraft Singles are being recalled. [More]

Keurig Makes Deal To Produce K-Cups For Maxwell House & Other Kraft-Branded Coffees
Remember a few years ago when we showed you the astonishing video of the shrinking Maxwell House cans? Well, it’s about to get even smaller because Kraft, the maker of the “eh, it’s good enough” coffee, struck a deal giving Keurig to power to produce single-serve K-cups of its java. [More]

Food Companies Not Bragging About Making Products Healthier Out Of Fear You’ll Reject Change
Change can be terrifying. Just ask my brother, who ran screaming at a young age when my formerly straight-haired mom came home with a perm. That kind of reaction is exactly why the companies behind Boston Market, Hamburger Helper and even McDonald’s don’t always go bragging to customers when they change products to make them healthier — they’re worried about rejection, just like the rest of us. [More]

Kraft Recalls 1.3 Million Cases Of Cottage Cheese Due To Possible Early Disgustingness
Do you love cottage cheese? You may not love what happens to 1.3 million cases of Kraft cottage cheese that the company has recalled because they’re at an increased risk of spoilage. Affected brands include Knudsen, Breakstone’s, Simply Kraft, and Daily Chef. [More]

Kraft Recalls 96K Pounds Of Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs Because You Shouldn’t Be Surprised By Cheese Filling
While I’ve been known to enjoy the occasional hot dog with cheese, I’ve never quite understood the appeal of those hot dogs that come pre-loaded with cheese inside the wieners. And while I’d be a bit annoyed to find out that someone at the factory had goofed and put cheese dogs in the packaging of regular ol’ hot dogs, it would be a much bigger problem for those who are allergic to dairy. [More]