For the first time since 2013, the world has a new richest person. Thanks to a rise in the value of Amazon stock, the company’s founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos, has taken the top spot on Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index from Microsoft founder Bill Gates. [More]
jeff bezos

Don’t Even Think About Going To The Bathroom Or Getting Sick On Jeff Bezos’ Spaceship
The funny thing about the body is that sometimes we just can’t control what it does. That could be a problem for consumers who score a ticket on Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin space vehicles, where three bodily functions are being banned. [More]

Amazon CEO Has Dreams Of Express Shipping To The Moon
Will Amazon one day provide free two-day Prime shipping to the moon? Probably not, but the company’s CEO Jeff Bezos does have a plan in which the company would build a system to ship supplies to future moon settlements. [More]

Amazon Prime Adds Unsurprising New Benefit: Free And Discounted Washington Post Subscriptions
Two years ago, Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos purchased the Washington Post from its longtime owners, the Graham family. While it was Bezos himself who bought the Post, and not Amazon, it was inevitable that the two companies would snuggle up once the transaction settled. First, Amazon’s Kindle Fire came pre-loaded with the Post’s app, and now members of the Amazon Prime program for free shipping and streaming media will get a free six-month digital Post subscription. [More]

NY Times Claims Amazon Is A Cruel, Soul-Devouring Workplace; Jeff Bezos Disagrees
Over the weekend, the New York Times published a lengthy article based on interviews with current and former (mostly former) Amazon employees about the company’s employment practices. They concluded that for most employees, the pace of work and atmosphere were unbearable, allowing employees no personal lives, encouraging snitching and paranoia, and working employees impossibly hard before spitting most of them out a couple of years later. [More]

Jeff Bezos Wedding His Companies With Preinstalled Washington Post App On New Kindle Fire
Back when Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos bought himself the Washington Post, many wondered how/if he’d connect his online retail company with the newspaper (and of course, web site, since this is 2014), or just keep them both in his property pen. It seems he’s ready to introduce these two as a couple, by joining them together in Amazon’s next Kindle Fire tablets. [More]

Jeff Bezos Buys Washington Post For $250 Million, Gets A Few Add-On Items
Newspapers are dirt cheap these days. If you’ve always dreamed of owning one, it’s time to scoop one up. The headline took a lot of people by surprise: Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, bought the Washington Post. What, like he downloaded it on his Kindle? No, he bought the entire paper from the Washington Post Company for $250 million in cash. [More]

Does Amazon Actually Sell Its Kindles At Cost?
Since people first began dissecting Amazon’s Kindle e-readers, it’s been believed that the online giant isn’t making much of a profit of the devices. Now the company’s CEO has publicly stated that there is no profit margin on the Kindle. [More]

EECB To Amazon's Jeff Bezos Results In A Very Happy Ending
The first step in resolving a customer service issue isn’t to email the CEO of a company, but if nothing else works, why not? Lia used Consumerist’s Executive Email Carpet Bomb listings to get in touch with Jeff Bezos of Amazon and lo and behold, success! [More] Predicts NCAA Win
Jeff Bezos knows something about tonight’s NCAA basketball championship game the rest of us don’t.