The odds are that you are going to win tonight’s Powerball multi-state lottery drawing are very small. You’re more likely to be struck by lightning, or eaten by a shark. Still, that doesn’t stop people from paying $2 for a slip of hope. As long as you’re planning what you’re going to do with that money, you should keep in mind that where you buy a ticket matters for tax reasons. [More]

It’s Getting Harder To Win The Powerball Jackpot — But Smaller Rewards May Be Within Reach
If you’ve been basing your lottery dreams on the same Powerball odds that have been in place, you better prepare for an adjustment in your sleep-time calculations: The folks behind the curtain are changing the rules, making it tougher to win the Powerball jackpot. [More]

Delaware Becomes First State To Allow Gambling In Casinos From The Comfort Of Home
Putting on pants too much for you, and yet you love gambling at the casino? Better move to Delaware if you don’t already live there, as the state has become the first to approve online casino gambling. That’s right, making bets on games you would usually only be able to play inside the casino, from the comfort of your couch. Whether or not you wear pants is your call. [More]

Tulsa Man's Rhino Cups Break Antique Roadshow's Appraisal Record At $1-1.5 Million
Start digging through your attic, basement or anywhere else you keep junk — it could be worth millions. One man in Tulsa found out just that, when his set of Chinese rhinoceros cups were pegged at a value of $1-1.5 million by Antiques Roadshow, breaking the program’s previous appraisal record. [More]

Get Your Kids Addicted To Gambling At An Early Age With The Jack Potty Training Seat
Reader Jay sent us this link to a training potty with a built in slot machine that goes off whenever it detects a “deposit.”