Wealthy Beatles fans with a need for a warm coat take note — two of the Fab Four’s famous jackets from the film Help! and the cover for the album of the same name are soon to be sold off at an auction of rare Beatles-related items. [More]

Yoko: "Don't Hold Your Breath" Waiting For Beatles On iTunes
While the overwhelming majority of 20th century rock music is available for digital download through iTunes or some other online outlet, the Beatles catalog continues to remain a holdout. And Yoko Ono, widow of John Lennon, said yesterday that it could be a while before the Fab Four joins the digital download crowd. [More]

Company Sued For Selling Beatles MP3s Says They're Original Works, So It's Okay
Since the Beatles are notorious for refusing to release their music online, the mere fact that BlueBeat.com was selling them was kind of strange, which probably explains why EMI just sued them for copyright infringement. But BlueBeat has come up with a perfectly reasonable explanation. The songs aren’t really Beatles songs, you see, but “psycho-acoustic simulations” and therefore original works.

Paul McCartney Has A Beef With You If You Eat Meat On Mondays
In addition to a good invention, the internet, Al Gore also gave us an evil one — global warming. Luckily Paul McCartney has come to the rescue, using one to defeat the other. He’s asking fans to go meatless on Mondays for now on, in sort of a modified old-school Lent, in order to slow global warming by reducing emissions of farm animals.
Remember that Norwegian site that was offering Beatles songs for legal download? Yeah, well, not anymore. It turns out their licensing agreement stipulates that the shows they put online have to have been aired within the past 4 weeks, and all the Beatles shows are from 2007. [Exclaim News] (Thanks to elc81!)

Hillary Clinton, Music Pirate
The world reacted to the news that George Bush was a no-good music pirate with an apathetic yawn; more interesting, perhaps, was the opalescent baby skull iPod Apple had custom designed him for his birthday. But would you be surprised if Hilary Clinton — that saintly paragon of virtues and family values who personally tops my surprisingly short list of people I’d love to slap — was also a music pirate?
Bush’s iPod Houses “Illegal” Songs
The RIAA and the DRM Nazis could have a new target besides small families, single mothers and MIT students. How about the President of the United States? From BoingBoing: