According to a Slate columnist, not only is it legal, but it’s ethical and fun. (Fun?) “I did just throw down more than $400 for this little toy,” he writes. “I’m no property-rights freak, but that iPhone is now my personal property, and that ought to stand for something.”

Defective iPhone Screen? Here's A New One. Oops, Its Screen Is Defective Too (Repeat 5 Times…)

Apple Sued For iPhone "Price Discrimination"
A New Yorker who waited for hours to be one of the first to buy an iPhone is now suing Apple, says Apple Insider.

T-Mobile Kiosk Boasts: "We Unlock iPhones!"
[Fashion Island, Newport Beach, California. Image thanks to Aubrey.]

The Forewarned iPhone Bricking Has Begun
Earlier this week Apple warned its customers that a update was going to render some modified handsets “permanently inoperable”.

AT&T Stores Try To Promote iPhone Price Cut As "Manager's Special"
A reader reports that a Bellevue, WA AT&T store is trying to play it like the company-wide iPhone price drop is a “manager’s special.” When he called the regional manager, our reader was told the signs were the brainchild of the regional marketing department.

Claim Your $100 Early Adopter iPhone Credit
If you bought the iPhone before the price drop, Apple has an easy site where you can claim your $100 credit.

AT&T Causing iPhone Buyer's Remorse
I did it. I succumbed to the lure of an iPhone. I love Apple products, but I now get the distinct impression that they are forcing us to get into bed with the devil, also known as AT&T. After purchasing an iPhone (the 4GB leper version for $299) at an Apple Store, I took it home and attempted to get it working.

Apple May Be Plotting iTunes Movie Rental Service
According to CNNMoney, Apple may be plotting an iTunes movie rental service that would allow iPod users to rent and watch a movie for 30 days without purchasing the entire film. Rumors place the rental fee at about $2.99.
When Travelling Internationally, Pop Out The iPhone SIM Card To Check Email Without Huge Roaming Charges
A handy tip that could’ve saved a couple people a few thousand dollars *cough* And This Is Your $4190.76 iPhone Bill *cough* iPhone/AT&T $3,000 International Roaming Bill Serves As Cruel Warning…or you can always just get a prepaid local SIM card, providing you’ve already unlocked your iPhone, of course.

Apple Customer Becomes Victim Of "It Just Works" Complacency
We hate to say this, but in the interest of fairness we must: sometimes it really is the customer’s fault. A man took his three iPhones out of the country, and now he’s got a $4800 roaming bill because he didn’t turn them off and they kept checking for email. Well, he didn’t turn them off off. You know, there’s standby off and off off. Or maybe you didn’t know? It’s all in the Apple iPhone User Guide—we just looked at it online and it’s right there on page 14: how to put your phone in standby (which just turns off the screen) and how to shut it off completely.

Thanks All The Same, Steve Jobs, But We'd Rather Have The Cash
In response to the announcement issued yesterday by Mr. Jobs, I would like to know how is it even reasonable to expect that pissed off customers WANT $100 towards more Apple gear? What good does $100 towards new stuff do, if I never plan to shop at Apple again as a result of this greedy stunt? I’m in the tech industry–one could reasonably expect that a new version and a lower price would happen around December, given the holidays and the fact that it’s 6 months after the launch. But this week, and a 33% cut? That’s outrageous, especially when the standard return policies for most smart retailers are 30, 60 or 90 days…not 14. Apple has just destroyed their brand in my eyes.

Letter To Steve Jobs: One Apple Obsessed Fan Becomes "Disenchanted" After iPhone Price Chop
Reader M is obsessed with Apple.

5 Options If You Got Shafted By Yesterday's iPhone Price Cut
Early Adopter Syndrome can strike anyone—our fancy N95 is less than six months old and has just been kicked to the curb by Nokia for a new version that works with US 3G—so we sympathize with all of you who just shelled out $600 for that great iPod/so-so phone combo from Apple. The Unofficial Apple Weblog offers the following five suggestions on how to fix your little $200 problem.

iPhone Price Chopped Already, 8GB $200 Cheaper
Consumerist always advises that eager beavers take a moment to relax and think before running out to buy the next new thing.
AT&T Stops Sending Several Hundred Page Long iPhone Bills
AT&T yesterday decided to stop raping forests and stop sending customers several hundred-page long iPhone bills itemizing every single photo they accessed while web-browsing. The change was announced In a text message sent out to subscribers that read:
AT&T free msg: We are simplifying you paper bill, removing itemized detail. To view all detail go to Still need full paper bill? Call 611
Tasty Blog Snack blogger Justine Ezarik, whose video of opening the box containing her 300 page bill received several million views, curtly thanked AT&T for the shift in a new video, above. She all but places her hands on her hips, bucks her head and says, “Thass right, girlfriend,” but we’re sure that’s only because she doesn’t want to damage the iPhone she’s holding.

iPhone Defective? That'll Be $29 For A Loaner
Reader Jonathan’s iPhone just keeps breaking. The second time, rather than replacing it, they decided it would need to be repaired—and tried to charge him $30 for a rental phone.