It looks like Citi doesn’t just do a crappy job of protecting customer info in the mail. The bank admitted yesterday that its Citi Mobile iPhone app was storing sensitive data in a hidden file on users’ phones and possibly their computers. [More]

New Government Rules Allow Jailbreaking Of iPhone & Other Devices
While Apple may oppose the idea, the federal government announced today that hacking your iPhone to accept third party software not approved or sold by Apple isn’t a violation of the company’s copyright. [More]

Free iPhone 4 Cases Available Now
Looks like Apple’s Tim Cook meant it when he told shareholders that most programs submitted to the company’s App Store are approved within a week. Just seven days after CEO Steve Jobs promised to put together a program to allow iPhone 4 customers to get a free case, the iPhone 4 Case Program app is now available for download. (Yeah, Apple probably could have come up with a better name for the app, but what do you want for free?)

Want A White iPhone 4? You'll Have To Wait A While
For anyone who is just sick of their typical black iPhone 4 already and was hoping to get a snazzy white one, Apple has some bad news for you. Apparently, making the paler version of the smartphone is harder than they’d thought, meaning you won’t get your until later this year. [More]

Thief Steals iPhone While Victim Is Participating In GPS Tracking Demo
On Monday, a man in San Francisco rode his bike up to a woman holding an iPhone and snatched it out of her hand, then took off. What he didn’t know was that the woman had just walked out of her company’s office to test a new GPS program that provides real time tracking. She went back inside, gave the police location updates over the phone, and man was arrested a half-mile away, reports the San Francisco Chronicle’s Crime Scene blog. [More]

App Store: No Porn Allowed, But Tethering Tool Slips In
If you were trolling around the App Store last night, you might have come across a new 99-cent flashlight app called Handy Light. And if you were willing to pay for it, you would have found a bonus: the program contained a hidden tethering app that would allow your computer to connect to the Internet over your phone, a privilege that normally requires a $20 monthly payment to AT&T. While the app somehow made it through the inspectors at Apple, once word got out, it was gone. [More]

Apple Engineers Sleeping At Work To Fix Antenna Problem
When Steve Jobs says Apple, Inc. is going to “work our butts off” to solve the antenna problems on the iPhone 4, what he really means is… engineer slumber party! Bloomberg reports that Apple has moved cots into the engineering department, and cars have been in the parking lot overnight as the employees work on a fix. [More]

Steve Jobs: All Smartphones Have The Same Problem, But Here’s A Free Case
Mr. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, has announced his solution to the iPhone 4 duct-tape-antenna-situation. Free case! Or a refund! [More]

Verizon Still Stealing Customers From AT&T
Despite having an exclusive on a much-hyped phone, AT&T is still losing customers to Verizon, says the NYT. [More]

How Would You Get Around iPhone 4's Death Grip Problem?
Yesterday, our more studious siblings at Consumer Reports made some headlines when they said they couldn’t recommend the iPhone 4 after lab tests confirmed reports that the device could lose its signal merely by being touched in one specific spot. As a quick-fix remedy, CR threw out the idea of using non-conductive tape like duct or electrical tape to cover the contact point. But we think there are some more creative ideas. [More]

Consumer Reports Won't Recommend iPhone 4 Until Apple Fixes "Death Grip" Design Flaw
As we wrote last weekend, the tech types over at Consumer Reports had done some preliminary tests demonstrating that the reception on the new iPhone 4 dropped significantly when touched on a certain part of the device. Now, after more rigorous inspection, CR has announced that — in spite of the iPhone 4’s many positives — they just can’t recommend it right now. [More]

Judge Gives Go-Ahead For Apple/AT&T/iPhone Class Action Suit
Three years after the first lawsuits were filed against Apple and AT&T alleging the two companies of antitrust violation, a judge in California has given the green light to consolidate several of the cases into a single class action suit. [More]

iPhone 4 Catches Fire, Burns Hand
An AT&T insider sent Boy Genius Report these pictures of an iPhone 4 that burst into flames after a customer tried to hook it up to his computer. [More]

Don't Be Hilarious On The Internet Or Best Buy Will Suspend You
We’re a bit late to this little drama, so excuse us, but apparently the author of the funny “iPhone VS Evo” robot voice videos has been suspended from his job selling cellphones at Best Buy, despite the fact that the video never even mentions Best Buy, instead calling the fictional store “Phone Mart.” [More]

Consumer Reports Finds iPhone Signal Loss In "Informal Tests"
In “informal tests” this weekend, Consumer Reports has been able to “reproduce the signal loss that’s at the heart of the controversy” over the iPhone 4. And, no, it wasn’t just an inaccurate bar display, as Apple recently claimed. “The drop had a significant effect on both call success and quality,” according to CR. [More]

Help Wanted: iPhone Antenna Engineer
Those “death grip” antenna problems in the new iPhone? There’s an app for that. As in job application. Apple has posted some ads on the company web site for “Antenna Engineer(s) – iPad/iPhone.” Candidates will be expected to “create test plans, execute them, publish test reports, provide feedback to the other design engineers, and lead some of the manufacturing of antenna.” Does this mean nobody was doing this before? Or that Steve executed his own death grip on the previous holder of this position?

How To Fix iPhone 4 "Death Grip" Issue
Here’s a custom mod you can apply to your iPhone 4 to fix any “death grip” related signal loss. [More]