Recently when we’ve talked about stolen photos it’s been related to a massive data hack. But for a San Francisco woman, the invasion of privacy came at a much smaller, more personal level when several of her intimate photos were allegedly stolen by a local RadioShack employee, who now faces felony charges and a civil lawsuit. [More]
invasion of privacy

Tumblr Won’t Take Down Images From Illegal Toilet Cam In Missouri Gas Station
It all began with hidden camera footage of men using the restroom. This footage appeared on a porn site, and was later taken down after an investigation revealed that the models were unwitting. A police detective has been indicted for planting the camera. The trouble is, still frames from the ill-gotten footage live on…on Tumblr. [More]

Geek Squad Accused Of Stealing, Distributing Customer’s Naked Photos. Yes, Again
Many years ago, we published an article based on information from Geek Squad workers where they explained to us exactly how they found and swiped customers’ porn from their computers. That kind of thing never happens anymore, right? According to another lawsuit filed recently in Alabama, nope: two years ago, they were still at it. [More]

Amazon Sues North Carolina, Says It Won't Divulge Customer Names
North Carolina’s tax collectors want to find out which of the state’s residents have bought untaxed goods from Amazon over the past seven years, so they visited Amazon’s HQ in Seattle and demanded the retailer turn over its records. When Amazon said no, the state threatened to sue. What it got instead was a preemptive lawsuit from Amazon that “says the demand violates the privacy and First Amendment rights of Amazon’s customers.” [More]