Two years ago, Cisco spent nearly $600 million to acquire the company that makes Flip video cameras. Apparently that was a mistake, because the networking biggie announced earlier today that it will be shuttering its Flip division as it faces increased competition from video-capable smartphones. [More]
video cameras

FBI Warns Video Camera Barbie Could Be Used For Kiddie Porn
The FBI is downplaying a leaked internal memo that reminded field agents that “Barbie Video Girl”, which has a video camera embedded in her necklace, could be used by pervs to produce child pornography. [More]

Canon 7D Or Barbie Video Girl: Which Is Better?
Sometimes when you’re comparison shopping for electronics, it helps to find a fan-made video test that looks at the devices side by side. Luckily for you, if you can’t decide whether to buy an $1800 Canon 7D or a $50 Barbie Video Girl, now you’ve got some help. (Hint: only one of these can be called “the sassiest camera money can buy.”) [More]

Walmart Accused Of Secretly Videotaping Public Restroom
Seven current and former employees of a Pennsylvania Walmart Tire and Lube Center have filed suit against the company, reports the Morning Call. The employees say they discovered that they and the general public were being monitored via video camera in a public bathroom. [More]