
(Ben Schumin)

Google Launches Car Insurance Comparison Site

Google officially jumped into the insurance business today with the launch of its car insurance comparison website in the United States. [More]

Anthem Hack Included Personal Information For 78.8 Million Customers & Employees

Anthem Hack Included Personal Information For 78.8 Million Customers & Employees

Nearly three weeks removed from the detection of a massive data breach, health insurer Anthem Inc. is releasing more details about the scope of the hack, including the fact that personal information for about 78.8 million was compromised. [More]

Anthem Says Data From As Far Back As 2004 Exposed During Hack, Offering Free Identity Theft Protection

Anthem Says Data From As Far Back As 2004 Exposed During Hack, Offering Free Identity Theft Protection

A week after health insurer Anthem announced that it was the latest victim of a security breach, the company revealed that hackers had access to tens of millions of customers’ data going back as far as 2004. [More]

(Mike Mozart)

GEICO Accused Of Discriminating Against Unmarried & Low-Income Drivers

California law requirers auto insurers in the state to offer minimum-coverage policies to drivers with clean driving records, regardless of factors like gender, employment, marital status, or education. But one consumer advocacy group claims that GEICO isn’t abiding by those rules and is allegedly misleading certain customers into thinking they’re getting the minimum coverage when they are in fact being offered several times more than the minimum. [More]

Lyft Passenger Killed In Multi-Car Crash: Whose Insurance Covers What?

Lyft Passenger Killed In Multi-Car Crash: Whose Insurance Covers What?

Normally, it wouldn’t be national news that there was a fatal multi-car crash on the highway during a heavy rainstorm near Sacramento, California. What makes this crash newsworthy is that the man who died was a paying passenger in a vehicle hired through the ride-sharing app Lyft. [More]

(Ron Dauphin)

After Taking Away Some Employees’ Insurance, Walmart Care Clinics To Offer $40 Doctor Visits

Less than two weeks after the nation’s larger retailer and private employer decided it would discontinue health insurance for many part-time employees, the company announced its new health care centers would provide doctor visits for around $40, or as low as $4 for Walmart employees and their families. [More]


IKEA: Where You Can Buy A Bookcase And Now Insurance

A trip to IKEA could soon include a lot more than just buying shelves, bedding, and other home items. The retailers is reportedly rolling out trial sales of range of insurance policies. [More]

(Stephen Dickter)

Report: Billing Errors, Varying Procedure Costs Create Environment For Excessive Medical Debt

Making a trip to the doctor undoubtedly leaves many consumers’ wallets a little (or a lot) lighter. While some people going in for planned medical procedures might seek out doctors covered under their insurance to help alleviate out-of-pocket costs, a new report found that even with advances in medical policy consumers are feeling the burden of medical debt. [More]

There’s Some Weird Stuff In Your Homeowner’s Insurance Policy

There’s Some Weird Stuff In Your Homeowner’s Insurance Policy

Do you sit and read every word of every document that you sign? Probably not. Maybe you should, but it would take up valuable time that could be spent “liking” pictures of your friend’s new puppy on Facebook. Jacob Goldstein of NPR’s Planet Money decided to read all 23 pages of his new insurance policy, and he had some questions. Mostly about the likelihood of volcanic eruptions in Brooklyn. [More]

The Oxford Prescription Drug List says that asthma drug Montelukast is an inexpensive Tier 1 drug, but makes no mention that it's pulverized form is a Tier 2 drug at twice the cost. (Click to enlarge)

We Live In A World Where Your Insurer Doesn’t Care That It Charges Two Prices For One Drug

In one month, the price of your generic prescription doubles. The first person at your insurance company says “Oops, that’s a mistake,” but a second person tells you that the mistake was actually made when you were charged the original, lower price. Meanwhile, the insurance company’s website tells you that the lower price is the correct one — and none of these people actually seem to give a damn. [More]

Map Of Most-Stolen Car Models In Each State Shows Car Thieves Need More Variety

Map Of Most-Stolen Car Models In Each State Shows Car Thieves Need More Variety

Car thieves either don’t have much imagination or they don’t have much to choose from when selecting which vehicles to boost. A look at the most-stolen cars in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia shows surprisingly little variety in terms of cars being swiped. [More]

GEICO Spent Almost $1 Billion On Advertising Last Year

GEICO Spent Almost $1 Billion On Advertising Last Year

If it seems to you that Geico advertises during every program you watch on TV, you’re not wrong. The insurance company spent $935 million on ads last year, and there cannot possibly be anyone left in this country who doesn’t know how long it might take them to save 15% on car insurance. Can there? [More]

Stories You Might Have Missed Because You Were Too Busy Being Awesome

Stories You Might Have Missed Because You Were Too Busy Being Awesome

We post a lot of stories during the week, and we know that most of you have jobs, families, lives, hobbies, nagging itches and other more important things to do than read every single thing we write. So for those who might be playing catch-up on the weekend, here are some of the things you might have missed… [More]

15 Things Everyone Needs To Know About Disability Insurance

15 Things Everyone Needs To Know About Disability Insurance

This is the fifth and final post in a “How To Not Suck…” series on insurance. Previous posts looked at auto insurance, homeowner’s coverage, and life insurance, and long-term care policies.

Now that we’ve talked about insurance for your car, your home, your life and your long-term care, it’s time to consider how to protect your paycheck when something bad happens. [More]

15 Things People Of All Ages Need To Know About Long-Term Care Insurance

15 Things People Of All Ages Need To Know About Long-Term Care Insurance

Welcome to the fourth installment in a “How To Not Suck…” series on buying insurance. Previous posts looked at auto insurance, homeowner’s coverage, and life insurance, and next week we’ll look at disability plans.

No one wants to think they’ll be unable to take care of themselves, but it’s likely to happen eventually, with one study saying there’s a 70% chance you’ll need some kind of care after age 65. Today, we’re thinking to the future. Long-term care insurance will help pay the bills should you need some kind of care, so you had better learn How To Not Suck… At Long-Term Care Insurance. [More]

15 Things You Need To Know About Life Insurance

15 Things You Need To Know About Life Insurance

This is the third post in a multipart “How To Not Suck…” series on insurance. Previous installments looked at auto insurance and homeowner’s coverage. Future posts will look at long-term care, and disability insurance.

If you make it through your house burning down and that car accident, you might think you’ve got a the nine lives of a cat. But those nine lives will run out eventually, so you had better learn how to not suck… at picking a life insurance policy. [More]

15 Things Everyone (Including Renters) Should Know About Homeowner’s Insurance

15 Things Everyone (Including Renters) Should Know About Homeowner’s Insurance

This is the second post in a multipart “How To Not Suck…” series on insurance. The first installment looked at the things you need to know about auto insurance, while upcoming installments will cover life, long-term care, and disability insurance.

Unless you’re a financial titan (or got your house on the cheap) your home is probably the biggest investment you’ll ever make, so don’t screw it up by not having the proper insurance. [More]


15 Things You Need To Know About Buying Auto Insurance

This is the first in a multipart “How To Not Suck…” series on insurance. Upcoming installments will cover homeowner’s, life, long-term care, and disability insurance.

Whether you just drove off the dealer’s lot in a shiny new vehicle or you’re puttering down the highway in an old clunker, you must protect yourself, others, and your two/three/four/eighteen-wheeled investment with auto insurance. [More]