
Consumerist Ask Metafilter Round-Up

Consumerist Ask Metafilter Round-Up

• Can bedbugs survive an airplane flight if they hitch a ride in your (checked) luggage? [Link]

Old Strokey Brownlee Ponders HMO Billing Obfuscation

Old Strokey Brownlee Ponders HMO Billing Obfuscation

We raised the hue and cry for insurance horror stories. My mommy answered.

Let’s Hear Some Juicy HMO and Insurance Stories

Let’s Hear Some Juicy HMO and Insurance Stories

And that’s about all we have to say. This post could end right here. But we want to expand our editorial horizons and that means whipping you into giving up the ghost we parasitically digest and regurgitate in the form of helpful and entertaining information.

Wikicars Helps You Know A Salesman’s Bullshit When You Hear It

Wikicars Helps You Know A Salesman’s Bullshit When You Hear It

Spotted over at our darling sister site Lifehacker, the most excellent automobile resource Wikicars.

Hollywood Video Dodges Taxes On Your DVD Dime

Hollywood Video Dodges Taxes On Your DVD Dime

Despite what Hollywood Video would like you to believe, there’s very few CDs or DVDs that can’t actually be repaired to good as new. A good rule of thumb is that if you can hold a DVD up to the light and you can’t see light actually coming through the scratches and gouges, that DVD can be fixed.

Carmel Partners Sticks Flood Bill to Tenant

Carmel Partners Sticks Flood Bill to Tenant

“Though I have doubts about whether or not this will appear as anything of importance to anyone but myself, I still feel inclined to at least attempt to get this information out there. “

The News; Uniquely Toxic and Loving It

The News; Uniquely Toxic and Loving It

• Apparently, Florida is at a bit of a risk for grapefruit bruising. [CT] “State Farm to hike Florida rates 53%”

Insurer Offers RIAA Lawsuit Protection

Insurer Offers RIAA Lawsuit Protection

Are you a tired old granny who only uses the computer your daughter bought you once a week to buy groceries over Amazon and prowl around for action in #hotteengirls? A 14 year old who only uses it to get Wikipedia to write the occasional book report for you and find gullible men on MySpace to rob?

Piedmont Hospital Sucks

Piedmont Hospital Sucks

Jennifer writes in how a pain in her eye turned into a real pain in the ass.

The News; Tangy!

• Wonder if they take out insurance against data theft? [NYT]

USAA Continues to Rule

USAA Continues to Rule

In all the the various shenanigans and nightmare-drenched, neo-Kafka retellings of financial institution experiences, one company swoops to the top among Consumerist readers.

The News is Tasty Like a Taser

The News is Tasty Like a Taser

• School doesn’t like student complaining on Xanga that the school is a bully, proves him wrong with a 10 day suspension. [Sun Times]

Killer Grannies Played Insurance Game To The Death

Killer Grannies Played Insurance Game To The Death

The schlock thickens in the case of a pair of twisted sisters-in-crime who befriended homeless men, took out insurance policies on them naming themselves as beneficiaries, and then ran the men over with cars for the insurance money.

New Homeless Sign: Will Die for Food

New Homeless Sign: Will Die for Food

A Double Indemnity for the skid row set, a pair of golden grannies have been arrested in a homeless life insurance scam nothing short of diabolical. You won’t wash the taste of this one out your mouth with a bottle of discount lighter fluid anytime soon.

Enterprise’s Cheat Sheet For Snookering You Into Car Insurance

What’s Enterprise hiding under that big brown bag their cars are wrapped in? According to this report, it could be their intent to humiliate you into buying car insurance.

Aetna Loses Laptop With 38,000 User’s Personal Info

Aetna Loses Laptop With 38,000 User’s Personal Info

month not to leave our laptops in the car. Also, we have to sign the “Code of Conduct” every year, part of which says ‘I promise not to leave my company laptop in the car.’ “

Collection Agencies Add Insult to Snowboard Injury

Collection Agencies Add Insult to Snowboard Injury

Grant had the misfortune to get into a snowboarding accident. Then he had the further misfortune of living in America where it’s nigh impossible to get a bruise removed from your credit report.

All-State Ad Irks

All-State Ad Irks

This is from a full-page ad in Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal, pointed to us by the inimitable Copyranter. The headline above it reads, “If San Francisco had the same size quake as in 1906, it could cost $400 billion to rebuild.