
Where's My Tech? Call Comcast Dispatch (We've Got The Numbers)

Where's My Tech? Call Comcast Dispatch (We've Got The Numbers)

Comcast is notorious for techs missing their appointments. If you would like to see where you tech really is, and maybe have him get his heiny over, here’s a whole bunch of Comcast’s internal dispatch numbers.

Secret Geek Squad Training Video

A former Geek Squad employee, racked with guilt over how he steals porn from customer’s computers all the time, gave us this video on his death bed. “Take this,” he gasped with one outstretched arm, “tell them the truth…” Then the guilt virus reached his heart and he was dead.

The 10 Page Geek Squad Confession – "Stealing Customers' Nudie Pics Was An Easter Egg Hunt"

This is the ultimate Geek Squad insider confession. It’s 10 pages long.

How To Get Into A Baseball Game

How To Get Into A Baseball Game

Almost every stadium to which I’ve every been has a sales office open to the public. It’s in here where the managers and full-time sales staff reside during pre-game. These are the people who can get you that extra ticket or find you a seat to a “sold out” event. Don’t waste your breath arguing at the ticket window, those people are usually part-time and can’t do much. Plus, it’s much harder to argue when there’s a big line behind you and a big plastic window in front of you. Sales offices usually have smaller lines and a counter without a window – this makes it much easier to negotiate.

10 Bitter And Sarcastic "Tips" From A Disgruntled Former ISP Insider

10 Bitter And Sarcastic "Tips" From A Disgruntled Former ISP Insider

Next time your internet connection turns to sludge, consider these ten tips from a former ISP insider.

Wiis At Target This Sunday

Wiis At Target This Sunday

At least 60 Wiis will be arriving and selling at Target stores this Sunday, according to an inside source.

10 Confessions Of A Telephone Company Customer Service Rep

10 Confessions Of A Telephone Company Customer Service Rep

A current customer service rep at a telephone company tells you what’s really going on on the other side of the line when you call in: abject loathing.

6 Documents Sprint Reps Have That You Don't That Could Help You Buy Your Next Cellphone

6 Documents Sprint Reps Have That You Don't That Could Help You Buy Your Next Cellphone

If you’re shopping for a Sprint phone and or plan, you might find this six documents useful handed to us by one of their recently fired customer service reps.

How To Negotiate What You Want From Sprint Retentions

How To Negotiate What You Want From Sprint Retentions

A former call center worker told us how to get to, and deal with, Sprint retentions department so they will fix billing errors, or waive fees.

A Document Alltel Looks At When You Want To Cancel Cellphone Service

A Document Alltel Looks At When You Want To Cancel Cellphone Service

Inside is an official Alltel internal company document on what they’re supposed to do when customers call up asking to cancel their cellphone service.

LEAKS: Comcast Slideshow Details Plan To Charge For Previously Free Tech Calls

LEAKS: Comcast Slideshow Details Plan To Charge For Previously Free Tech Calls

According to an internal Comcast Powerpoint we received, starting this month, the cable provider gives even less of a damn about residential customers. Highlights include:

AOL Made Reps Give Out One Piece Of Tech Support At A Time, Making Customers Call Back Again And Again, And Get Upsold Every Time

AOL Made Reps Give Out One Piece Of Tech Support At A Time, Making Customers Call Back Again And Again, And Get Upsold Every Time

A former AOL tech support rep confesses one of the worst parts about his job. AOL had a policy called “One Call/One Resolution” which basically meant that they were only supposed to dole out ONE troubleshooting step when you called. Then they were supposed to pass you off to someone who tried to upsell you to DSL or some video computer courses. The result was that customers had to call in call in call in, just to get the most basic problem solved.

AOL Already Planning To Go Free Well Before Vincent Ferrari Came Along

AOL Already Planning To Go Free Well Before Vincent Ferrari Came Along

This gut-spilling from a former AOL employee helps confirm what we suspected all along: While it definitely spurred them to action, AOL already had the plan to switch over to a free, browser-based, ad supported system well in hand before Vincent’s call blew up.

Banking Dos And Don'ts: Answers And Clarifications

Banking Dos And Don'ts: Answers And Clarifications

The employee who provided us the Goofus and Gallant 19 point guide to banking has some answers to your questions and clarifications, inside…

Why Equifax Doesn't Seem To Understand Your Letters

Why Equifax Doesn't Seem To Understand Your Letters

Mailing back and forth with Equifax can be like talking to a brick wall, except instead of bricks, the wall is made out of buttocks, and they’re farting all over your credit report.

7 Confessions Of A Car Salesman: Kia

7 Confessions Of A Car Salesman: Kia

Carl spent some time selling Kias at a dealership in Colorado, and has written in with a few insights about Kia, selling cars, and some buying strategies for you. Some highlights:

Rumor: iPhone Battery Lasts For Only 40 Minutes Of Talk Time

Rumor: iPhone Battery Lasts For Only 40 Minutes Of Talk Time

The iPhone battery lasts for only 40 minutes of talk time, according to intel tech guru John Dvorak received from an inside Cingular source.

INSIDER SECRETS: 5 Ways Best Buy Ruined Geek Squad

INSIDER SECRETS: 5 Ways Best Buy Ruined Geek Squad

Five ways Best Buy drives the costs out of the system, sullying Geek Squad CEO Robert Stephen’s vision of superlative computer repair, as told by a former Geek Squad Senior Agent.