
Quick, What Is This Woman Doing?

Quick, What Is This Woman Doing?

She has some form of pump attached to her face. She’s moving her head up and down rhythmically… What the….??

"Potty Patch" Doggie Toilet — Load Of Crap, Or Genuine Product?

"Potty Patch" Doggie Toilet — Load Of Crap, Or Genuine Product?

Dogs, sheesh, who’d have ’em. They hump your leg, their poop stinks, and — worst of all, they pee all over your carpet. Well, meet the Potty Patch! It’s an indoor restroom for doggies. Basically a patch of faux sod over a plastic tray that catches the pee. Now you don’t need to get off the couch to walk the dog, you can just let her take a quick, stinky whiz right next to your kegerator. Whew!

Can Billy Mays Move Product From Beyond The Grave?

Can Billy Mays Move Product From Beyond The Grave?

Next week, direct-response marketing juggernaut Telebrands will roll out a new ad campaign for Jupiter Jack, a tiny gadget intended to turn your car radio into a giant cell phone speakerphone. The star of the spot is recently deceased pitchman Billy Mays.

Billy Mays Likely Died Of Heart Disease

Billy Mays Likely Died Of Heart Disease

A Florida medical examiner says that beloved pitchman Billy Mays suffered from hypertensive heart disease and likely died of a heart attack. A day earlier, Mays bumped his head during a rough landing on a US Airways flight — but the autopsy showed no head trauma.

Billy Mays: A Look Back At A Television Legend

Billy Mays: A Look Back At A Television Legend

HI CONSUMERISTS, LAURA NORTHRUP HERE FOR THE BILLY MAYS TRIBUTE POST! Billy is no longer with us, but his oeuvre remains. Let’s take a look back at the ads, products, and gentle self-mockery that made Billy a master among pitchmen.

Ten Stupid Infomercials Will Shake Your Faith In Capitalism

Ten Stupid Infomercials Will Shake Your Faith In Capitalism

The best thing about YouTube is that it lets us see wacky commercials and insipid infomercials without the inconvenience of watching TV. Where would the Comfort Wipe be without it?

Comfort Wipe: For When You Just Can't Wipe Yourself Anymore

Comfort Wipe: For When You Just Can't Wipe Yourself Anymore

Do you need help wiping your own behind? Do you just not like touching toilet paper, and want a plastic device to do it for you? It’s a good thing that you live in 21st-century America, because the Comfort Wipe is here to help you.

Slap Chop Remix Will Awe You (Although It Doesn't Erase The Memory Of That Hooker)

Slap Chop Remix Will Awe You (Although It Doesn't Erase The Memory Of That Hooker)

We’ll probably never be able to get those mug shots out of our minds when we see crazy old Vince hawking things on TV, but this amazing remix comes in a close second at searing itself into the brain. “You’re gonna love my nuts” is particularly well done.

Vince Tries To Sell ShamWow And SlapChop In Spanish

Vince Tries To Sell ShamWow And SlapChop In Spanish

Vince takes the ShamWow to a whole new level, as he tries to sell his famous macroshammy in Spanish. Yes, Spanish, a language he is not fluent in, a fact that becomes abundantly clear in this video. You’ll note there are far fewer shots of his face than in the original. However, he still has that exact same sideways grimace and contorted eyebrows thing going on. Must be something he perfected after long hours staring into a seedy hotel room mirror. UPDATE: And here’s Vince trying to sell the SlapChop in Spanish!

Meet Jumpsnap, The Ropeless Jump Rope, The Dumbest Infomercial Product Ever

Meet Jumpsnap, The Ropeless Jump Rope, The Dumbest Infomercial Product Ever

This is the Jump Snap. It’s a ropeless jumprope. Because having to jump over an actual rope is too hard. Sometimes a rope might hit stuff. Plus they require coordination. This requires no coordination, or even the ability to jump, as the infomercial tells us. You can just bend your knees. Plus it counts your calories and makes a realistic rope-whipping noise when you swing it! Wooee! Retails for $40 on Amazon, the most expensive jump rope you would ever buy, and it doesn’t even have rope.

Smart Mop Holds Up To 20 Times The Crazy Of A ShamWow

Smart Mop Holds Up To 20 Times The Crazy Of A ShamWow

The people behind the new Smart Mop infomercial have clearly studied the success of the ShamWow guy, and they’ve taken the infomercial genre to a new level of silliness. Their new ad is so ridiculous that it seems designed more for YouTube than primetime, but since it’s funny and entertaining (for an infomercial) we’ll take the bait and post it.

Consumer Reports Tests The Amish Heater

You’ve seen the ads where the hard-working Amish folk are handcrafting miracle space heaters and no doubt scoffed at their absurdity and marveled at their Photoshop skills- but do the darn things work? Consumer Reports investigates in this video.

Snuggies And ShamWows Beseige Nation's Cheap Airwaves

Snuggies And ShamWows Beseige Nation's Cheap Airwaves

The economy is ‘sploding so that means it’s infomercial mating season. Prices for airtime are dropping as bigger advertisers pull their spots, so the Billy Mays of the world are now getting slots during 30 Rock commercial breaks. At the same time, more people are watching TV because they don’t have money to go out and it helps anesthetize them to the pain of reality. Thus, the rise of the ShamWow and the Snuggie, a super slurping sponge cloth, and a blanket with arms, respectively. Let’s take a closer look.

Please Enjoy This Complimentary Billy Mays Remix Video, Our Gift To You With Each Order

Please Enjoy This Complimentary Billy Mays Remix Video, Our Gift To You With Each Order

What’s better than Billy Mays? Remixes of Billy Mays? We agree. And guess what? We’re tripling the offer inside. Yes. That’s right.* *These are all probably NSFW.

PedEgg Works

PedEgg Works

Turns out PedEgg, a home foot buffer, didn’t need to allegedly hire a “horror” makeup artist to increase the contrast in the infomercial’s before and after shots. In the September issue, Consumer Reports says the results from their 29 testers indicated the product worked quite well.

Don't Fall For Mortgage Infomercials Masquerading As "News Networks"

Don't Fall For Mortgage Infomercials Masquerading As "News Networks"

Reader Brian says he saw the above pictured infomercial on CNBC this Sunday, and is wondering how they get away with such a “blatant attempt to take advantage of those same mortgage consumers who where hoodwinked in the first place.”

PedEgg Ads Scam, Suit Alleges

PedEgg Ads Scam, Suit Alleges

Who would have ever thought that a low-budget infomercial touting an egg-shaped device home pedicure device with “100 precision microfiles” might be deceptive in some way? Not, apparently, its actors, two of whom are suing the makers of “PedEgg.” The thespians say they PedEgg told them the commercial would be internets-only. Instead, it’s on the national airways. We don’t care about that part. Rather, we chuckle over the suit’s revelation that PedEgg hired a horror-makeup guy to apply “artificial bumps and discoloration” to their feet to increase the contrast between the “before” and “after” shots. Quelle horreru! Besides their dishonest advertising tactics, someone should also sue PedEgg for the gross-out shot when they dump all the foot shavings in the trash. See the full commercial inside.

Great Moments In Commercial History: Kinoki Foot Pads

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