in the cards

Suze Orman Launches Her Own Pre-Paid Debit Card

Suze Orman Launches Her Own Pre-Paid Debit Card

Really wish I’d know about this when I chatted with personal finance personality Suze Orman back in December. The TV host/author/owner of the whitest smile on Earth is set to announce her own pre-paid debit card, which she promises won’t be a pile of fee-laden crud like the one the Kardashian sisters slapped their name on in 2010. [More]

Hallmark Sells Cards That Express Sympathy For Layoff Victims

Hallmark Sells Cards That Express Sympathy For Layoff Victims

Oblivious to the possibility that the last thing people who lost their jobs need are cardboard reminders of their misfortune, Hallmark has launched a line of greeting cards geared to the downsized. Among the witticisms you can sign beneath and hand over solemnly: “Don’t think of it as losing your job. Think of it as a time out between stupid bosses.” [More]

Brits May Challenge Visa's 2012 Olympics Exclusivity

Brits May Challenge Visa's 2012 Olympics Exclusivity

If you’ve gone to an Olympic event over the past 22 years, Visa was everywhere you wanted to be. And everywhere you didn’t want to be. In fact, thanks to a contract between Visa and the International Olympic Committee, Visa has been the only credit or debit card allowed at the Olympics since the Seoul games in 1988. But Britain may challenge the exclusivity in the run up to the 2012 games. [More]