Julie calculates that her family has spent at least $2.4 million at Sam’s Club over the last decade, buying supplies for their restaurants. That relationship is now over, she tells Consumerist, because someone at the store called the police on her father for having an expired registration. He left the store with two tickets and a healthy dose of humiliation. He’s concluded that Sam’s Club no longer needs his business. [More]

Walmart Holds Another Customer Hostage
Kerri (not her real name) says she was detained last week at a Walmart in Utah, after she declined to show the receipt checker her receipt on the way out. She says a police officer blocked her from leaving, told her to show the receipt checker more respect, and then had her go back inside and let Walmart examine her bags while he wrote down the info from her drivers license. [More]

Practice Good Hygiene Or Be Shamed By The White House
We at Consumerist understand the importance of washing your hands and practicing good hygiene. We’re also big fans of publicly humiliating people who endanger us with their gross germs. That’s why we love this video of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius stopping a press briefing and scolding MSNBC reporter Chuck Todd for sneezing into his hand, instead of his elbow.

Humiliate Yourself For Free Chick-fil-A Today
Unless I’m dreaming a cruel dream that I’ll wake up from any second, today is July 10! Wait — don’t stare at me like you don’t know what that means. It’s Cow Appreciation Day! Still nothing? OK, let me explain: Dress up like a cow, head to a Chick-fil-A and you’ll get a free combo meal.