
Lifehacker Roundup

Lifehacker Roundup

“A Money Day is 8 hours of that boring but important stuff: like starting up that Quicken file, reducing your credit card interest rate, canceling subscriptions you don’t need, and opening up a higher-interest savings account.”

How To Take Your Case To Small Claims Court

How To Take Your Case To Small Claims Court

Small claims or conciliation court provides a way for individuals to settle their differences with the help of a neutral referee or judge. [More]

How To: Erase Your Hard Drive

How To: Erase Your Hard Drive

If, for some reason, you have a hard drive that you really, really, want to erase today is your lucky day. bbum has posted some tips for erasing a drive, and reminds you that even broken drives should be “erased.”

5 Tips For Complaining To Airlines

5 Tips For Complaining To Airlines

The Wall Street Journal has several tips today on effectively complaining to airlines.

DIY Roundup

DIY Roundup

You can do it yourself. Let us show you how.

Consumerist's 9-Step Beginner's Budget

Consumerist's 9-Step Beginner's Budget

Are you a budget novice? Constantly overdrafting? Never have enough money to buy what you really want? Wish you could get your shit together? We’ve got a sexy free Excel document to share with you.

How To Record Customer Service Calls

How To Record Customer Service Calls

It’s good to get into the habit of recording customer service calls. It gives you proof if they mess up and maybe you’ll get a really bad one that you’ll want to submit to The Consumerist. Here’s some tools to help you.

Smart Taxpayer Roundup

Smart Taxpayer Roundup

“…here’s the step by step process for notifying the IRS when nicely phoning the office manager hasn’t worked.”

How To Take Pictures Inside Stores Without Getting Caught

How To Take Pictures Inside Stores Without Getting Caught

How can you take hundreds of pictures inside a store without getting caught? It can be really hard. If you ask for permission, it will be likely be denied. If you’re too conspicuous, someone will say, “No pictures!” and you could get thrown out.

Still Missing A W-2? Call The IRS

Still Missing A W-2? Call The IRS

Still missing last year’s W-2? We mentioned this tip a month ago, but here’s the step by step process for notifying the IRS when nicely phoning the office manager hasn’t worked.

VIDEO: Remove Cellphone Logos With Sugar

One thing it doesn’t show is that it’s a good idea to cover up the rest of the phone in tape so you don’t get sugar in your keypad or elsewhere. Also, be gentle and patient. Press too hard and you could scratch the phone. — BEN POPKEN

How To Make Your Own Coffee Table

How To Make Your Own Coffee Table

UPDATE: Commenters note that the Instructable seems to be posted by the same company selling the pricey hardware. The user name is “simplifiedbuiliding” and the parts are sold by “Simplified Building Concepts.” Now we are suspicious. Maybe this Instructable should be called LACK (of integrity) Hack.

How To Save Your Home from Foreclosure

How To Save Your Home from Foreclosure

WikiHow has a primer on saving your home from foreclosure. If you find yourself unable to make payments…

How To File A Federal Tax Extension

How To File A Federal Tax Extension

My Money Blog tells us how to submit for a federal tax filing extension if you’re still waiting for some forms or you just don’t think you can get it together in time.

HOW TO: Play 0% Balance Transfer Credit Cards For Fun And Profit

HOW TO: Play 0% Balance Transfer Credit Cards For Fun And Profit

0% balance transfers can be a great tool to cut down credit card debt as you’re, obviously, paying nothing for interest. However, you need to know the rules of the game and how to play by them, or you could wind back up with a nasty APR. FiveCentNickel breaks it all down for you. He warns,

HOW TO: Know If Your CompUSA Is Getting Liquidated

HOW TO: Know If Your CompUSA Is Getting Liquidated

How do you know if your local CompUSA is one of 129 getting liquidated starting tomorrow? If it’s not on this list, it’s going out of business.

How To Fix Your Credit Report When Creditors Won't Admit Their Mistakes

How To Fix Your Credit Report When Creditors Won't Admit Their Mistakes

If you find an error on your credit report, fixing it is often a painless process. Notify the credit bureau and if the creditor can’t verify the information, it gets removed. If it doesn’t, here are steps to take towards getting your credit report right, cribbed from the Wall Street Journal.

How To: Make Mayonnaise

How To: Make Mayonnaise

Why pay a lot of money for bad mayonnaise when you can make really gourmet mayonnaise in a few minutes at a fraction of the cost? Here’s a simple recipe requiring no technique, commonly available ingredients, and my favorite kitchen power tool- the hand blender!

This looks a lot better than Miracle Whip, doesn’t it? What is Miracle Whip, anyway? —MEGHANN MARCO