
Verizon Sold 1,000,000 Old Accounts To AFNI, Who Then Fraudulently Tried To Collect Debts

Verizon Sold 1,000,000 Old Accounts To AFNI, Who Then Fraudulently Tried To Collect Debts

A reader whose wife received a debt-collection notice from AFNI regarding a seven-year old Verizon account was actually just one of over a million consumers getting a similar letter, WSYR reports.

How To Budget With An Irregular Income

How To Budget With An Irregular Income

Most money-management systems presuppose a steady paycheck, but No Credit Needed shows how you can track your dollars even if you aren’t sure of when they’ll arrive.

13 Step Method For Buying A Car While Controlling The Sale And The Price

13 Step Method For Buying A Car While Controlling The Sale And The Price

Commenter Keter posted a completely kick-ass 13 step guide to buying a car while maintaining total and absolute control over the sales process. It was so good we’re lifting it and posting it to the front page.

Opt Out Of E*TRADE's Arbitration Clause

Opt Out Of E*TRADE's Arbitration Clause

Reader Jeff perused the contract for his new E*TRADE account and found not only a big wonkin’ arbitration clause in there, but a successive clause actually giving you a chance to opt out of it and retain your rights to not have disputes moderated in a corporate monkey court beyond the reach of law. [More]

How To Never Ever Get In Trouble For Recording Calls With Customer Service

How To Never Ever Get In Trouble For Recording Calls With Customer Service

Me: [Laugh] Thanks. Anyway, here’s what’s going on with me today…

Get What You Paid For

Consumer advocate Ron Burley describes the reasons the state of customer service is in such disrepair, and the basic gist on how consumers can get what they paid for when things go wrong.

How To Pick A Good Watermelon

How To Pick A Good Watermelon

  • Tap the watermelon with your knuckles and listen for a hollow sound
  • There should be little color contrast between the green stripes
  • The end should be going from white to light yellow
  • Press your thumbs into the skin from all angles. It should be hard all around.
How To Kick A Scammy Car Dealer In The Nuts

How To Kick A Scammy Car Dealer In The Nuts

While we spend a lot of time on this site talking about the importance of writing a good complaint letter, of finding the executive contact info, and cc’ing letters to appropriate regulatory bodies, sometimes the best way to win is to stop playing Mr. Nice Guy and start playing hardball. Demonstrate, in no uncertain terms, just how much more costly it would be for the business to ignore your complaint than to resolve it. That’s the lesson learned from, Unscrewed: The Consumer’s Guide To Getting What You Paid For.

How To Treat Lead Poisoning

Lead Poisoning [WebMD]

How To Detect Lead Poisoning

How To Detect Lead Poisoning

Amidst the lead paint recalls, parents are turning to home-based lead test kits to protect their children and families from lead poisoning.

How To De-RFID Your Credit Card

How To De-RFID Your Credit Card

Credit card companies are putting magical radio chips inside your credit cards to allow for “touch n go” “contact-less” payments, but if for some reason the idea of a miniature beacon transmitting your credit card information, albeit however encrypted the companies feel like making them, there is something you can do about, blogs Cody: Dremel!

How To Save On The Golf Course

Golf doesn’t have to be the expensive, effete, sport of the affluent ruling class that popular culture has made it out to be. Not if you follow five simple tips from No Credit Needed:

How To Identify Botulism Symptoms

How To Identify Botulism Symptoms

Botulism is an incredibly serious food-borne illness, and the Castleberry’s recall means we should remind ourselves of the symptoms. According to WebMD they are:


Sample Letter For Disputing A Debt Collection Notice

If you’ve received a notice from a debt collector, but have reason to believe you don’t actually owe that debt (or owe a lot less than they say you owe), federal law gives you a brief opportunity to force the collector to demonstrate that you do indeed owe this debt, and to stop trying to collect on it until they have verified you are the one responsible, and that the money is still owed. [More]

How To Protect Electronics At The Beach

How To Protect Electronics At The Beach

If the elements do manage to breach your defenses, send them on their way with a can of compressed air.

How To Avoid Moving Scams

Gallant got recommendations from friends, and made the company agree on a “not to exceed” price for the move.

How To Get A Deal On A Rental Car

How To Get A Deal On A Rental Car

Ask For A Discount: Always ask for a discount, especially if you’re a member of an organization like AAA or AARP.

How To Save At The Box Office

Why pay $10 to see a movie when you can save up to 50% by purchasing several tickets at once? Several clubs and organizations offer significant discounts to consumers willing to buy a book of tickets: