
Don't Get Cheated On Closing Costs

Don't Get Cheated On Closing Costs

Some homebuyers are pissed because when the actual line item fees for various closing costs come in less than the estimation, their closing agents are simply pocketing the difference. How do you fight back? This article on LawyersandSettlements says,

Where's My Stimulus Payment?

Where's My Stimulus Payment?

The IRS has a tool that lets you find out when your Stimulus Payment will arrive. Just punch in your social, filing status, and number of exemptions on your 2007 taxes. Its usefulness is limited, though, as it can’t tell you when your payment arrive until about a week before they send out the check.

How To Thaw Your Frozen HELOC

How To Thaw Your Frozen HELOC

According to Yahoo Finance, there are several things you can do if you are one of the many homeowners who found out that their home equity line of credit was frozen by the lender. If your HELOC is frozen you can:

How To Research An Unknown Online Retailer

How To Research An Unknown Online Retailer

So you just spotted that gizmo you’ve been lusting for at unbeatable price, but the only problem is it’s for sale at an online retailer you’ve never heard of. How do you know if they’re trustworthy?

Avoid An IRS Audit

Avoid An IRS Audit

How can you avoid an IRS audit? There’s a .58% chance if you make 20-50k that you’ll be audited by the IRS, but that still adds up to 259,794 unlucky people. Here’s some strategies on how you can avoid becoming one of them:

Using Proxies To Get Good Deals When Virgin America Reneges

Using Proxies To Get Good Deals When Virgin America Reneges

Reader Tom was all set to buy a ticket on Virgin America when all of a sudden the fare he thought was locked in shot up 33%. The machine told him his reservation had expired. Tom tried redoing the purchase several times, clearing his cookies, changing browsers, only to continue to be denied by Richard Branson’s faceless automoton army. So then he cleared his cookies and then rerouting his signal through another computer so to Virgin America it looks like a different user is trying to buy the ticket (in technical terms, he rerouted his traffic through a SOCKS proxy server on the West Coast). Shazam, he was able to get the ticket at the old price. Whether the deal had expired because he dawdled too long, or whether he was only able to get it because it looked like he was coming from the West Coast and the fare was related to the time of day, Tom felt jerked around. If this happens to you, here’s a how-to on using proxy servers.

How To Get An "Iffy" Loan Approved

How To Get An "Iffy" Loan Approved

Sometimes when you’re trying to get a borrower approved for a mortgage the system will tell you something stupid like “this person is not qualified.” Luckily, this internal document from Chase shows a few tips and tricks you can use to tweak a borrower’s profile so they can get a stated-income asset loan (which recently has received the unfair pejorative of a “liar’s loan” by the sensationalist media apparatchik) a piece of The American Dream. It’s specific to Chase’s internal loan approval system. Irregardless, many of the principles have universal application, no matter what level of the fast-paced exciting field of sub-prime mortgages you work. Highlights:

5 Steps To Being A Savvy Shopper

5 Steps To Being A Savvy Shopper

Today’s consumer world has become increasingly fragmented and difficult to navigate, so we here at The Conglomerist put together a helpful guide on how to be a savvy shopper. It’s a five-step process consisting of Research, Shopping, Paying, Customer Service, and Disposal. After the jump, let’s get started with learning about how to use our dollars more wisely…

Recover Lost Money

Recover Lost Money

Frugal For Life points us to four sites that can help provide a lucrative reunion with long-lost cash with only a few minutes of work. We once found our parents several thousand dollars using New York’s unclaimed funds page. Hit the jump for other sources of surprise cash.


Want to reduce your Bank of America spam mail? Our commenter tinder posted a link to their opt-out page in our earlier post on Chase spam. []

How To Get Chase To Stop Sending You Direct Mail Offers Over And Over And Over

How To Get Chase To Stop Sending You Direct Mail Offers Over And Over And Over

Anyone who’s a customer of Chase knows how hardcore they can be about direct mail advertising. Martin writes:

Over the last 12-24 months, I’ve been annoyed with about 3-4 mailings a week from Chase for various add-on services and useless products. Already a customer of theirs, I did not appreciate this onslaught of advertising. Here’s a quick opt-out website in which you can cancel all direct marketing letters from Chase…

Save Your Cellphone Battery

Save Your Cellphone Battery

If you lose your charger or are in a situation where you’re away from an outlet, you might want to use some of these tricks to reduce your battery drain:

How To Haggle

How To Haggle

The pricetag is no longer the final word, stores are playing “let’s make a deal,” and haggling is in. Consumer Reports Todd Marks tells The Today Show the secrets to haggling success:Be open and friendly in your discussion with the salesperson, ask for them to “work with you” on the priceBe…

Read The Wall Street Journal For Free

Read The Wall Street Journal For Free

Why pay $79 per year to read the Wall Street Journal when you can read it for free? Murdoch’s crown jewel attracts readers by lowering the pay wall for visitors from Google News, Drudge, or Digg. Salon posted step-by-step instructions to help readers exploit this selective generosity.

Fight Fraudulent Credit Card Charges

Fight Fraudulent Credit Card Charges

A thief charged over $1,600 to my credit card at Bed Bath & Beyond. Here’s how I responded:

How To Find Executive Contact Information Using Google Finance And Your Brain

How To Find Executive Contact Information Using Google Finance And Your Brain

People often write to us and ask “Hey do you have such and such a company’s email address? I didn’t see it on your website.”

Tip: Use One Catch-All Email Address To Collect Restaurant Offers

Tip: Use One Catch-All Email Address To Collect Restaurant Offers

Tracy Ham and Eggs shared a great tip with other readers on our Pizza Hut spam post earlier today: My last decent sized company had a “food@company” email. They opted into everyone deals and menu emails and when we wanted to order something we hit that email and searched for what we wanted.