A maintenance employee for Walmart thought he was doing the right thing by handing over a stack of bills totaling $350 that he found discarded in the store’s parking lot. But instead of being thanked for his honesty, the man says he was fired because he waited 30 minutes before handing over the cash. [More]
lost cash

Walmart Employee Says He Was Fired For Waiting 30 Minutes To Turn In $350 He Found In Parking Lot

ATM Gobbles Up Customer's Deposit, Bank Employees Shrug
$376 isn’t a lot of money compared to the amounts that flow through banks on a daily basis. But it is a lot of money to reader Craig, who deposited that amount of cash on Monday at a BBVA Compass ATM. The machine gobbled up his money during the deposit, and no one is quite sure where the cash went. It’s not in his account, he knows that much. [More]

Recover Lost Money
Frugal For Life points us to four sites that can help provide a lucrative reunion with long-lost cash with only a few minutes of work. We once found our parents several thousand dollars using New York’s unclaimed funds page. Hit the jump for other sources of surprise cash.