A house with 40,000 bees? Sure, that sounds crazy. But homeowners in New York have that story beat, after finding an estimated one million bees buzzing around in the siding of their home. [More]

Lowe’s Will Stop Selling Pesticides Blamed For Honeybee Decline
Jumping on the anti-neonicotinoids bandwagon with Portland is home improvement retailer Lowe’s, which says it’ll stop peddling the pesticide many critics say is to blame for declining honeybee populations. [More]

A Swarm Of Bees Is Not Something That Goes Well With An Airplane's Wings
We know bird strikes are a terrible inconvenience to planes, but what about a gang of marauding bees? So maybe they weren’t exactly marauding, but a beekeeper did have to be called in at Pittsburgh International Airport on Wednesday night to dislodge a swarm of honeybees that took to buzzing about on a plane’s wings. Quite annoying, as the plane was about to take off for New York. [More]
We Still Don't Know Why Honeybees Are Dying But They're Hard At Work Pollinating Your Food
There’s some new buzz about honeybees, and while not all of it is super positive — namely, that we still can’t figure out why so many of them are dying — there are some bright spots in the latest action from the hive. [More]