Though its effectiveness is debatable, using mayonnaise to get rid of head lice is a well-known home remedy. But one family’s attempt to rid their child of the tiny insects has apparently resulted in a tragic death by suffocation. [More]
home remedies

Playing Doctor: Consumerist Readers Explain How To Cure Anything With Just About Everything
Earlier this week we turned to you, our wise and experienced Consumerist readers, to tell us which home remedies you’ve had success with in treating various bodily ailments. Or maybe the treatment wasn’t so successful but you learned an important life lesson on the process. We’ve combed through your highly entertaining and definitely useful comments and have compiled a few of the most common and well, interesting ones here (ahem, earwax?). [More]

Which Strange Home Remedies Do You Swear By?
I spent the better part of a day last week attempting to keep chicken soup and ginger ale down as my system fought off some mysterious one-day bug. I’d thought about mentioning my illness to my friends on Facebook (I don’t have kids, so what else am I going to post about?) but didn’t want to be inundated with hundreds of tips on sure-fire home-brewed remedies. [More]

Home Remedies To Zap Headaches Away
Doctors say headaches are a sign of deeper problems. And as Arnold assures you in Kindergarten Cop, it’s (most likely) not a toomah. Stress, poor nutrition, lack of rest and anxiety can all trigger headaches. And while it’s not easy to eliminate the causes instantly, there are simple things you can do to make the pain go away that don’t involve medication. [More]

Chase Those Hiccups Away
Holding your breath, gulping water and getting scared are the traditional ways to eradicate the hiccup menace, but those tend to be hit and miss. Just when you think you’ve managed to stop hiccups, on comes the next round. [More]

Interactive Chart Helps You Vet Health Supplements
Are you tired of forgetting whether you should add creatine or cinnamon to your kale smoothie? Do you worry that the milk thistle you’ve rubbed on your genitals isn’t helping? The “Snake Oil?” graphic at can help you out–it provides a graphical overview of 166 different health supplements and arranges them according to how much evidence there is that they actually work. [More]