Hershey’s was not pleased when the candy giant learned that a Colorado manufacturer of edible marijuana products was selling items modeled after its own candies, including “Hashees” and “Ganja Joy.” Because they have, you know, reefer in them, as the kids probably don’t call it these days. But the company behind those treats says the lawsuit against it is a “big surprise.” [More]

Marijuana Edibles Company Calls Hershey Lawsuit A “Surprise” Because It Changed Packaging 6 Months Ago

Hershey Sues Edible Marijuana Maker Over Punny Product Names
We can’t imagine anyone with even the most basic grasp of the English language would confuse Hershey’s Almond Joy with “Ganja Joy,” an edible marijuana product. Nor do we think anyone will mistakenly buy a “Dabby Patty” thinking it’s a York peppermint patty. But we don’t work for the Hershey legal department, which has sued a Colorado company over punny pot product names that the chocolate goliath believes are too close to its trademarked brands. [More]

Couple Is Surprisingly Unhappy That Chipotle Is Moving In Next Door
For many people, having a Chipotle restaurant move in next door would mean infinite joy and probably infinite weight gain. One couple in Hershey, Pennsylvania is very unhappy that the fast-casual eatery has a restaurant under construction next door to their home. [More]

Mom Says Jolly Ranchers “Crunch ‘N Chew” Candy Got Its Texture From A Rusty Razor Blade
Candy surprises are only good when they involve candy showing up when you least expect it, not when your bag of sweets surprises you with say, an old, rusty razor blade that could cut you while you’re reaching for a treat. A California woman claims she found a grody old razor blade hanging out in her bag of Jolly Ranchers “Crunch ‘N Chew,” mixed right in with the candy. [More]

Researcher Unearths Proof Of Grocery Shrink Ray From 1977
Lest you think the Grocery Shrink Ray, which reduces the size of a food product but leaves the price intact (or even makes that price increase), is a product of the Internet Age, here is evidence showing the Shrink Ray’s pernicious effects from 35 years ago. [More]

Hershey Will Help You Learn To Eat Right
Hershey has joined Mars, Coke and Pepsi as a sponsor of the American Dietetic Association, which bills itself as “world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals,” and says its goal is to “optimize the nation’s health through food and nutrition.” Hershey? Nutrition? Actually, it’s the Hershey Center for Health and Nutrition, which is devoted to “the sweet science of chocolate.” Hey, we can live with that. [More]

Daddy, Can I Borrow $7 Billion To Buy Cadbury?
“Sure you can, junior,” B of A and JP Morgan said to Hershey. “Just remember we’re not made of money.” [More]

Hershey Syrup With Calcium Provides 0% Calcium?
In case you were planning on getting your recommended daily allowance of calcium from Hershey’s Syrup + Calcium, you may want to think twice. As reader Samuel has pointed out, the label on the fortified corn syrup says it contains “0%” of your suggested daily calcium. On the bright side, it probably doesn’t taste like chalk.

Food Companies Warn Of Impending Sugar Shortage, Misery, Doom
The food companies say we are on the brink of a sugar shortage that will wreak havoc on your candy bars and all that. According to the WSJ several large food companies including Kraft Foods Inc., General Mills Inc., Hershey Co. and Mars Inc. sent a letter to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack warning that the US could run out of sugar if we don’t get rid of some tariffs.

Hershey is closing its online store (www.hersheygifts.com) at the end of the month, saying they can’t keep it running in this economy. If you like their “chocolate” products, everything on the site is on sale for 25% off. [LA Times] (Thanks to Robert!)

Hershey's "Kissables" No Longer Legally Considered "Milk Chocolate"?
The Candy Blog noticed that Hershey’s “Kissables” have been reformulated, and can no longer be legally labeled “milk chocolate” because of FDA regulations. The new package looks the same, except for the ingredients and the label which now says “Chocolate Candy” instead “Candy Coated Milk Chocolate.”

Avoid Eating Stale Candy By Learning The Secret Candy Codes
Reader Leo writes in with some helpful information that will allow you to avoid stale candy:
I work at a small-volume store in the midwest, and the other day my supervisor asked us to check all of the candy in the checkout lanes to see if it had expired. M&M Mars and Hershey brand candy both had different, indecipherable codes on the back which tell the expiration date. After calling the 1-800 number and finding out what the codes meant, we discovered that most of our candy stock was expired by a year or more. We even found candy that went bad from 2004. I figured I should share the codes, so people won’t buy expired candy, because it’s out there.

Mars Breaks Rank, Promises Consumers It Will Keep Using Real Chocolate
On Monday, Mars Snackfoods US—makers of “pokin’ at you pokin’ at you” Snickers bars, M&Ms, and other popular office meal replacement systems—announced that it would not seek FDA permission to replace its cocoa butter with cheaper vegetable oil, which is what the rest of the industry is lobbying for. Okay, first of all, yech, just… vegetable oil? But second of all, yay for Mars for drawing a line somewhere on poor product quality.

Hershey Sues Over Candy Book Cover
Simon & Schuster have settled an injunction against them made by the Hershey Company over inappropriate use of the Hershey trademark for the book cover of Hershey : Milton S. Hershey’s Extraordinary Life of Wealth, Empire, and Utopian Dreams, “the story of ‘a gambler, raconteur, despot and servant’.” The settlement will allow Simon & Schuster to keep the strikingly attractive cover to the left as long as Simon & Schuster slap an “Unauthorized” sticker on every cover.