When you have guests over for a fancy gathering, or you’re celebrating an important holiday, some families like to haul out china. Maybe it’s a family heirloom, or maybe it was a pricey wedding gift that you regret not exchanging for a KitchenAid mixer. Either way, the more guests you have, the more important this question becomes: can fine china go in the dishwasher? [More]

Jewelry Saleswoman Sees Revolting Things
If you ever thought working behind the counter at a jewelry store was a cushy, somewhat glamorous gig, you were apparently very, very wrong. It’s the part of your job that involves accepting old pieces of jewelry for maintenance that makes the job tough. [More]

Cross Honors Lifetime Warranty, Repairs Priceless Antique Pen
Andy always carries his father’s old 50-year-old Cross pen. It’s the only everyday item he has that belonged to his father, and he was devastated when it broke. He contacted Cross to see about getting the pen repaired, and the company sent it back: the same pen, good as new, in a spiffy little case. [More]

Family Heirloom Wedding Bands Enter Kay Jeweler, Are Never Seen Again
Mistakes happen, and apparently there was a hole in the UPS box and all the rings fell out. No really, that’s what this customer’s wife was told when she asked for an explanation of where their rings were. Now the customer says Kay Jewelers won’t give him any other information, or even show him photos of the rings after they were sent to the warehouse. They’ll replace them with jewelry up to $500, but nothing higher, and if he wants to find out anything else he’ll have to lawyer up. Here’s his story. [More]

FiOS Installer Drills Through Wife's Wedding Dress
A Verizon FiOS installer showed up yesterday to install the service in Sam’s house, but misjudged the location of the laundry room by 4 feet and drilled directly into the closet where his wife kept her wedding dress.