There’s nothing quite like sitting back and enjoying a cool beverage. But according to a new lawsuit, one man’s beer-drinking experience was anything but relaxing after he claims he found two geckos submerged in his can of Heineken. [More]

‘Most Interesting Man’ In The World Gives Up Beer For Tequila
When the night reaches that point when you move on from drinking beer to doing shots of tequila, it usually doesn’t bode well for how you’ll feel in the morning. But then again, most of us aren’t the one-time “Most Interesting Man In the World.” [More]

That Was Then, This Is Now: How 72 Brands From ‘Mad Men’ Have Changed Since Don Draper Was In Charge
Because nothing gold can stay, AMC’s popular Mad Men has reached the final episode of its final, seventh season. Over the course of the show, we’ve seen pitches for a multitude of companies, brands, sports, groups and even cities. While some of those brands were created for the show, the large majority were very real — and some continue to exist today. In the spirit of nostalgia, we thought now might be the right time to check in on those products and companies pitched by Sterling Cooper (and its various rebirths), to see which have been lost to the mists of time, and which still remain. [More]

Heineken Changes TV Ad; No Longer Thinks Of Women As 'Prey'
It looks like Heineken has had second thoughts about one of its currently running TV ads. After months of airing a commercial which describes a woman at a party as “prey,” the company has altered the voice-over on the ad to now refer to her as a “prize.” [More]

Will More Fuel Efficient Cars Lead To Cheaper Beer?
We’re assuming he means that ethanol production is to blame for the spike in grain prices. (Corn is at a 10-year high today.)