
Beware Balance Billing

Beware Balance Billing

When insurers don’t pay the full amount of the bill, health-care providers are going after patients to make up the difference. It’s known as “balance billing,” and it’s often illegal, BusinessWeek reports. Under state and federal laws, doctors and hospitals generally need to be dealing with the insurers, instead of pressuring vulnerable patients. Have you had any success with fighting balance billing? Leave your story in the comments.

"Studies Recommend Surgery For You" (But The Studies Can't Be Found)

"Studies Recommend Surgery For You" (But The Studies Can't Be Found)

Seth Robert’s doctor discovered he had a tiny hernia and referred him to a general surgeon, who recommended surgery. Seth, a psychology professor at UC Berkely and author of The Shrangri-La Diet, asked why. “It could get worse,” she said. “Why is it better to have surgery than not,” asked Seth. “Surgery is dangerous, expensive, and time-consuming.” The surgeon said clinical trials showed the benefits of this surgery. “Just use Google, you’ll find them.” Seth tried to find them. His mom, who does medical searching as her job, couldn’t find any completed clinical trials.

PedEgg Works

PedEgg Works

Turns out PedEgg, a home foot buffer, didn’t need to allegedly hire a “horror” makeup artist to increase the contrast in the infomercial’s before and after shots. In the September issue, Consumer Reports says the results from their 29 testers indicated the product worked quite well.

Confirmed: BPA Will Harm Your Monkey

Confirmed: BPA Will Harm Your Monkey

Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine have linked [BPA] to problems with brain function and mood disorders in monkeys—the first time the chemical has been connected to health problems in primates.

Disney Reneges On Ride Injury Payment Promise, Reader Wins With EECB

Disney Reneges On Ride Injury Payment Promise, Reader Wins With EECB

Disney, inventors of childhood itself, told Daniel they would foot the bill after he got injured on their California Adventure ride. Then when Daniel and his wife Jane tried to collect, they got strung along for months by Garth Steever in guest claims. When they finally locked him down 11 months after the incident, Garth told them Disney changed its mind. By this time, the medical bills had already been sent to collections. Then Jane read about how to send an EECB on The Consumerist, and stormed the ramparts of Cinderella Castle. Here’s her letter, and success story…

Complete Medical History Required For Manicure

Complete Medical History Required For Manicure

In a dime-a-dozen business like nail salons, you need to have a hook or a gimmick to be unique. At the The Bella Aqua Spa in Laurinburg, North Carolina, they seem to have settled on requiring a copious amount of personal and medical history from you before you get to have a manicure as their little way of standing out.

Target Generic Costs Less, But It's 1/2 Strength

Target Generic Costs Less, But It's 1/2 Strength

Conventional thinking says that you should buy based on better unit price, but Target knows this and has figured out a way to trick you. On the left is a name brand joint-strengthener, on the right, Target’s generic. Going just by unit price, Target looks like the better deal. But let’s see what’s going on on the back label…

FDA: Pardon Me, But Your Bakery Warehouse Is Full Of "Rodent Excreta Pellets"

FDA: Pardon Me, But Your Bakery Warehouse Is Full Of "Rodent Excreta Pellets"

We’d never stopped to think about it before, but we were not surprised to learn that our government had a polite term for rodent feces. It’s “rodent excreta pellet,” and apparently a warehouse belonging to Capitol Cake, a Baltimore bakery specializing in fruitcake and pound cake, is full of them.

FDA Declares Bisphenol A Safe

FDA Declares Bisphenol A Safe

Bisphenol A, or BPA, is the chemical used in various plastic bottles and can linings that Canada recently banned, consumers in Arkansas, California, and Ohio have filed lawsuits over, and Playtex and Nalgene have stopped using. The fear is that it’s toxic—studies on animals in Canada have shown that it’s damaging, and some tests in the U.S. suggest it’s harmful to humans as well. Critics of the anti-BPA movement point out that the human studies rely on super high dosages that never occur in real life, and that making safety decisions based on the general public’s fears isn’t exactly scientific.

Your Best Investment: Your Health

Your Best Investment: Your Health

It’s been suggested that your career is your biggest financial asset because it fuels all of your financial progress — it grows your net worth, pays for your living expenses, sends your kids to college,funds your retirement, and the like. That’s why we protect our careers with products like disability, medical, and life insurance, because without the ability to work — even for a limited amount of time — most of us would experience severe financial hardship.

Which Restaurants Are Making Your Kids Fat?

Which Restaurants Are Making Your Kids Fat?

Subway’s kids’ meals came out on top. Only a third of its Fresh Fit for Kids meals, which include a mini-sub, juice box, and one of several healthful side items (apple slices, raisins, or yogurt), exceed the 430-calorie threshold. Subway is the only chain that doesn’t offer soft drinks with kids’ meals.

So how do you improve the nutrition of your kid’s meal the next time you eat at a restaurant? A spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association gave the following advice:

“Don’t be too alarmed even when [studies] come out and seem hopeless,” said Dawn Jackson Blatner, an American Dietetic Ass>ociation spokeswoman. “With a few swaps and switches, people really can make healthier choices at these fast-food joints, especially when the decisions are made before going in.

Shun Brand Name Drugs With Two Letters After The Name And Save

Shun Brand Name Drugs With Two Letters After The Name And Save

What do those little letters, CD, ER, SR, etc, after a brand name drug’s name mean? The exact terminology varies, but they usually translate to the same thing: unnecessary ripoffs.

14 Ways To Save On Drugs Big Pharma Doesn't Want You To Know

14 Ways To Save On Drugs Big Pharma Doesn't Want You To Know

It’s no secret that prescription drugs are expensive, but it is a bit of one that they don’t have to be. Dr. Edward Jardini’s book, How To Save On Prescription Drugs, has 20 methods that anyone can use to drastically cut the costs of long-term medications, without sacrificing quality. Here’s 14 of them:

Your Brother Committed Suicide? No Insurance For You

Your Brother Committed Suicide? No Insurance For You

Consumer Reports has an interview with the mother of a young man who couldn’t get any insurance because, after his brother committed suicide when he was younger, he saw a psychiatrist for a few sessions. He went uninsured after he aged out of his father’s coverage and taking jobs with no health benefits. Then, while he was cleaning it, his pickup truck burst into flames.

Fry Guy Doesn't Wash Bathroom Hands, Gets Public Shaming

Fry Guy Doesn't Wash Bathroom Hands, Gets Public Shaming

When the sign says, “employees must wash hands after using bathroom,” Brent takes it very seriously. He says he was using the toilet at a Wendy’s, and spotted a worker use the bathroom and head right back to fondling the fries without scrubbing his hands. That’s when Brent decided to call out the guy in front of the entire restaurant. Here’s his story and what happened next…

Health Officials: We Finally Found Salmonella In A Jalapeño!

Health Officials: We Finally Found Salmonella In A Jalapeño!

Government inspectors finally stumbled across a jalapeño which contains the same salmonella strain (Salmonella Saintpaul) that has been responsible for the recent salmonella outbreak in the United States. Health officials found the offending Mexican-grown jalapeño in a Texas plant. However, there are still many questions which need to be answered.

Settlement: Sara Lee Agrees To Change Misleading "Whole Grain" Packaging

Settlement: Sara Lee Agrees To Change Misleading "Whole Grain" Packaging

Back in December the Center for Science in the Public Interest became annoyed with Sara Lee for allegedly misleading consumers about the amount of “whole grain” in their breads. The organization announced its intention to sue Sara Lee over its “Soft & Smooth Made with Whole Grain White Bread,” which claims to combine “all the taste and texture of white bread with the goodness of whole grain,” when actually “there is more water in this product than whole grain,” according to the CSPI.

This Steak & Shake Is A Pigsty

This Steak & Shake Is A Pigsty

We’ve never been to a Steak & Shake, and Cal’s behind-the-scenes footage of one of their restaurants in Indiana makes us think we’ll be saying that for a long time. In his intro to the footage, he claims they were so understaffed that he was able to walk into the back of the restaurant and take photos, and then return later with a video camera. We wonder if he knew someone who worked there, but that’s not really the point. The point is the shake-making area looks like babies vomited all over it. We can only imagine the horror that begins at night when all the people are gone and the roaches have their nightly dairy & syrup feast.