

The New York Times has an interesting article about the speed at which new medical devices are approved by the FDA. The article focuses on a breast cancer treatment that is widely prescribed, but which has not been conclusively shown to be as effective as traditional radiation. [NYT]

J&J Has Paid Over $68.7 Million In Ortho Evra Lawsuits

J&J Has Paid Over $68.7 Million In Ortho Evra Lawsuits

Johnson & Johnson has paid out over $68.7 million in private settlements in Ortho Evra birth-control related claims. The Public Citizen’s Health Research Group is petitioning the FDA to take it off the market. The most common complaints among users of the contraceptive patch that adheres to the skin are blood clots in the legs, blood clots in the lungs, and hearts attacks/strokes. But hey, at least you don’t have a baby. [Bloomberg]

Recession's Arrival Confirmed By Weird, Confusing "Canned Soup War"

Recession's Arrival Confirmed By Weird, Confusing "Canned Soup War"

Reader Michael noticed these weird, soup-bashing ads in some Detroit-area newspapers yesterday. It seems that Progresso and Campbell’s have launched some negative campaign ads — smearing each other for using MSG in their soup. Is the world ready for a canned soup war? If it is, should we be depressed about it?

Study: There Is All Kinds Of Nasty Crap In Your Bottled Water

Study: There Is All Kinds Of Nasty Crap In Your Bottled Water

A new study challenging the idea that bottled water is “purer” than tap water found a laundry list of nasty substances in major brand name water, and named two brands that exceeded California’s health standards.

Just What The Heck Is MonaVie, And Should I Sell It?

Just What The Heck Is MonaVie, And Should I Sell It?

I’ve been approached by a friend to join up with MonaVie acai juice—it’s a “superfood” juice that’s sold through “network marketing.” I actually do like the product, and this is a friend I trust, but my alarm bells are still going off. I don’t want to get sucked into a scam, obviously. There’s nothing about this company on your site, so I thought I’d drop you a line and see if you had any advice.

I Am Going To Kick Your Ass Unless You Get Life Insurance

I Am Going To Kick Your Ass Unless You Get Life Insurance

The expression on the little guy’s face in this banner ad seems say, “I’m gonna kick your ass unless you get some freakin’ life insurance.” Maybe even throw in a “sucker” at the end there. Seriously, what’s his deal? He’s sooo angry!

Medicare Costs Going Up In 2009, So Be Ready To Compare Plans

Medicare Costs Going Up In 2009, So Be Ready To Compare Plans

If there’s one group of Americans who don’t carry their weight and need to pay more money to the healthcare industry, it’s those layabout senior citizens! That’s why their Medicare drug premiums are increasing by an average of 31% for the 10 most popular plans beginning in 2009. If you were with Humana, formerly the cheapest Medicare drug plan you could get (its premium was $9.51 in 2006), you can expect to pay $40.83 per month in 2009, an increase of 60% over this year’s rate. As you would expect, Humana is no longer the cheapest option—so it may be time to shop around for a new plan.

Some Outsourced Dental Implants Test Positive For Lead

Some Outsourced Dental Implants Test Positive For Lead

If you’re getting dental implant work done, you may want to ask if they outsource to other countries. A KPHO investigation bought 13 crowns from labs in China, Thailand and the US. Ten of them came back positive for lead, with levels from 110 parts per million to 240 parts per million. The problem may be from the surface stain used to whiten and brighten the teeth. Throughout history, lead has been used in paints because it’s bright, cheap, and highly durable.

Splenda Bad For You, Says Sugar Industry Study

Splenda Bad For You, Says Sugar Industry Study

A new study says that sugar-substitute Splenda might be bad for you, killing “good” bacteria and preventing the absorption of prescription drugs. However, it just so happens that the study was paid for by the Sugar Association, who just so happen to hate Splenda with a deadly passion.

Baskin Robbins Death Shake Has 2,300 Calories

Baskin Robbins Death Shake Has 2,300 Calories

Last time I checked, an adult male should consume 2,500 calories a day, and this shake nearly meets that requirement! The saturated fat present in that shake is over 3 times the RDA of 20 grams, which will put you on the fast track for heart disease. Of course, that’s if the Type 2 diabetes caused by all 266 grams of that sugar doesn’t get you first.


MisterJalopy over at BoingBoing has put together a rough outline of a cheat sheet when shopping for eggs, based on an article in yesterday’s New York Times on how to interpret egg carton labeling. [BoingBoing]

Reach 19 Blue Cross Blue Shield CEOs

Reach 19 Blue Cross Blue Shield CEOs

Here is the full contact information for 18…

FDA Bans Import Of 30 Popular Generic Drugs

FDA Bans Import Of 30 Popular Generic Drugs

The FDA has banned the import of 30 different generic drugs made by Ranbaxy due to unresolved ongoing concerns about quality controls in the manufacturing process. Some of them are popular, like a generic for Zocor. The complete list inside. If you’re taking any of the affected drugs, keep taking them. The FDA found no evidence to suggest any consumers are at risk. If you have concerns, consult your doctor.

Banning Soda Machines In Schools Only Decreases Consumption 4%

Banning Soda Machines In Schools Only Decreases Consumption 4%

A new study says banning soda machines in schools only decreased kiddie soda pop consumption by 4%. Guess the soda kids were drinking in school wasn’t necessarily being bought at school.

BPA Levels Higher In Those With Heart Disease Or Diabetes

BPA Levels Higher In Those With Heart Disease Or Diabetes

those with the largest amount of BPA in their urine had nearly three times the risk of heart disease and more than twice the risk of diabetes as those who had the lowest levels.

Target's Generic Meds Are Maybe Too Generic

Target's Generic Meds Are Maybe Too Generic

We’re big fans of Target’s smart approach to package design for medicine. They may want to give a little more thought to their OTC generics, however—how about using more distinct labeling for the children’s line, for example? One reader explains why this would be a lot safer.


“There’s a fungus among us,” is a humorous phrase. “There’s a fungus among us, and it’s in my eye,” on the other hand, is a lawsuit. 14 more consumers filed lawsuits against Advanced Medical Optics over their recalled Complete MoisturePlus contact lens solution. The fluid was recalled because the CDC linked it to cases of Acanthamoeba infection, which can cause Keratitis, which can leaves your eye red, inflamed, in pain, and possibly lead to impairment or loss of vision. [Press Release]

Discover The Wacky Side Of Food Poisoning

Discover The Wacky Side Of Food Poisoning

Did you know Jesse Jackson was hospitalized with food poisoning last week? Or that a recipe typo in a Swedish food magazine left four readers poisoned? These are two of the many interesting facts we just learned after a few minutes browsing the BarfBlog, a food safety blog with categories like “Celebrity Barf” and “listeria”.