

A new study says 1 in 25 deaths is somehow tied to alcohol consumption. The impact was compared to that of smoking, the article quotes experts who want to take drastic action such as “increasing the price of alcohol, reducing its availability and banning advertising.” That seemed a little draconian to us, until we realized that it would free us from the tyranny of that Bud Lite “drinkability” campaign. [BBC]

Scientists see no dietary benefit to replacing corn syrup with sugar

Scientists see no dietary benefit to replacing corn syrup with sugar

While grocery store brands increasingly swap out corn syrup for sugar-and trumpet the fact-little evidence suggests any health benefit for consumers. Corn syrup has been demonized because it’s highly processed and environmentally unfriendly. But sugar ain’t much better.

Former FDA Head Says Food Manufacturers Use Sugar, Salt, And Fat To Short Circuit The Brain's Reward System

Former FDA Head Says Food Manufacturers Use Sugar, Salt, And Fat To Short Circuit The Brain's Reward System

Do you have trouble resisting the urge to scarf down that cookie/candy bar/entree? Maybe it’s because somewhere upstream, experts spent lots of time and money manipulating the ingredients to deliver the consumer to a “bliss point,” suggests former FDA head Dr. David A. Kessler. His book “The End of Overeating” looks at how modern food has been designed to be as irresistible and satisfying as possible.


A cancer unit at the V.A Medical Center in Philadelphia “operated with virtually no outside scrutiny and botched 92 of 116 cancer treatments over a span of more than six years.” The team even continued to perform surgeries for a year after a key piece of equipment broke. [New York Times] (Photo: OakleyOriginals)

Mayo Clinic: Coming Soon To The Mall Of America

Mayo Clinic: Coming Soon To The Mall Of America

(Photo: gwydionwilliams)

Don't Put Too Much Faith In Fortified Foods

Don't Put Too Much Faith In Fortified Foods

“Processing destroys nutrients, and the more processing there is, the more destruction you get,” says Marion Nestle, author and professor of nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University. “Fortification adds back some nutrients, so overall you’re better off with a processed fortified food than a processed unfortified one. But a whole food is always going to be superior.”

If This Juice Is Made From Strawberries, Where's The Naturally Occurring Vitamin C?

If This Juice Is Made From Strawberries, Where's The Naturally Occurring Vitamin C?

John read our post yesterday about Naked Juice‘s decision to remove vitamins and herbal stuff from some of their product line, and forwarded us a response he got from the company a month ago. His question: if Strawberry Kiwi Kick contains 14 strawberries, why does the nutritional label say it contains 0% vitamin C? The answer is a good reminder of the difference between fresh food and food that’s been processed, conveniently packaged, and wrapped up in some healthy-looking branding.

National Menu Labeling Law Moves Closer To Reality

National Menu Labeling Law Moves Closer To Reality

As states continue to adopt laws requiring chain restaurants to include nutritional information on menus, Congress has been considering proposals for a national menu-labeling law. This week, members of Congress, the restaurant industry, and consumer groups reached agreement on a proposal that they hope to introduce this summer.


Vermont Gets Tough On Doctor/Pharma Relationships The new law “bans drug companies-and manufacturers of medical devices and biological products, such as vaccines-from paying for gifts, including meals and travel, to physicians, hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacists, and health plan administrators. Any allowable payments drug companies make to doctors, such as those for legitimate educational purposes, will be posted in a database on a public website maintained by the Vermont Attorney General.” [Consumer Reports Health]

Hmm, This Hand Sanitizer Is Full Of Bacteria

Hmm, This Hand Sanitizer Is Full Of Bacteria

Clarcon manufactures skin protectants and sanitizers marketed under several different brand names, including CitruShield, Dermassentials, Magic Touch, and Pure Effect. …One such product, Magic Touch, is marketed as a lotion, an antibacterial, an antibiotic, and a germicide that is “great to apply open wounds because it helps heal the skin without scars.”


No health insurance? The emergency room usually shouldn’t be your first stop. Here’s where you should go for help.

Older Drugs Can Be Just As Good And Cheaper

Older Drugs Can Be Just As Good And Cheaper

Newfangled doesn’t necessarily mean that much better, especially when it comes to taking medicine. Getting prescribed the latest and greatest pill could mean you’re paying more when there’s a perfectly good drug out there that can do the same job, minus the jacked-up new drug patent cost. Vanguard says:

Can't Sleep? Your Best Bet Is Probably Cognitive Behavorial Therapy

Can't Sleep? Your Best Bet Is Probably Cognitive Behavorial Therapy

Chronic insomnia is one of those life-altering problems that seems minor at first, but builds up over time until it’s negatively affecting everything in your life. The New York Times has a new article up about cost effective ways to treat it, including generic Ambien (so you can have generic sleep-sex, we guess). The treatment that seems to show the most promise is cognitive behavioral therapy, or C.B.T. Sessions cost between $100-150 each, but if your insurance won’t help, there’s an online self-guided version of C.B.T. for $25.

Most Bankruptcies Caused By Health Problems Suffered By People With Health Insurance

Most Bankruptcies Caused By Health Problems Suffered By People With Health Insurance

A recent Harvard study tells us that health problems cause more than half of America’s bankruptcies, and that the vast majority of people seeking bankruptcy protection have health insurance. The study paints a hauntingly familiar picture: people get sick, insurance covers nothing, so they’re forced to mortgage their homes to stay alive.

Effient: FDA May Approve Blood Thinner That Causes Internal Bleeding

Effient: FDA May Approve Blood Thinner That Causes Internal Bleeding

The Food and Drug Administration may be on the verge of approving an ELil Lilly blood thinner a consumer group says causes internal bleeding.

California To Fight Health Insurance Rescissions?

California To Fight Health Insurance Rescissions?

The LA Times is reporting that California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner will reveal new regulations aimed at stopping a controversial health insurance practice in which customers with costly illnesses are retroactively dropped.

Woman Sprayed With Pesticide Can't Get List Of Chemicals Because They're A Trade Secret

Woman Sprayed With Pesticide Can't Get List Of Chemicals Because They're A Trade Secret

A North Carolina woman out walking her dog last month was sprayed in the face with a gypsy moth pesticide, and subsequently developed “a severe rash and other flu-like symptoms, breathing complications, and nausea for several days.” Unfortunately, her doctor can’t treat her properly because the company that makes the spray won’t tell him what’s in it.

Tax-Saving Moves For 14 Big Life Events

Tax-Saving Moves For 14 Big Life Events

Life is full of surprises and challenges. Luckily, there’s a tax form for just about all of them. Via Kiplinger’s, here’s 14 major life events that allow for smart tax-saving moves, and how to make those moves.