
Chinese Milk Accused Of Sprouting Boobs On Babies

Chinese Milk Accused Of Sprouting Boobs On Babies

They say that girls are developing earlier and earlier these days, but this is just disgusting. Chinese authorities are investigating reports that three Chinese infant girls prematurely developed breasts after consuming hormone-tainted powdered milk made by Chinese manufacturer Synutra. [More]

To Build More Muscle, Pump Lighter Iron

To Build More Muscle, Pump Lighter Iron

Lots of people use free weights and weight machines as part of staying fit and trying to build muscle, but a new study finds that contrary to popular belief, it’s not really the heaviness of the weights that build the most muscle. Rather, you can build more muscle mass by using something much lighter but just keep lifting until you reach fatigue and can’t lift it anymore. [More]

Pop-Tarts Open Times Square Pop-Up Store With Pop-Tart

Pop-Tarts Open Times Square Pop-Up Store With Pop-Tart Sushi

In order to satisfy the staggering outcry for Pop-Tart related services, the iconic toaster treat has opened up a store in Times Square. One of the delicacies they serve is “Pop-Tart Sushi,” three kinds of minced Pop-Tarts rolled in fruit roll-up. [More]

Grocery Shrink Ray Hits Pasta Roni

Grocery Shrink Ray Hits Pasta Roni

Like Mothra attacking Rome, Andrew says that the dread grocery shrink ray has hit his beloved Pasta Roni. [More]

How To Avoid An Emergency Room Bill That Sends You Back To
The E.R.

How To Avoid An Emergency Room Bill That Sends You Back To The E.R.

Emergency room bills bring a special sort of sticker shock, because they don’t usually show up until weeks later, and then come packed with all sorts of over-inflated fees and add-ons. The New York Times calls them “notoriously high and perplexing,” and although it’s unlikely you’ll ever end up paying the full amount listed on the bill, there are strategies you can use to bring that initial figure down. [More]

Kids Could Be Getting Salmonella From Pet Food

Kids Could Be Getting Salmonella From Pet Food

No, it’s not what you’re thinking, parents are not feeding their kids pet food. Instead, a new study finding a link between salmonella contaminated pet food and children posits that the kids might be touching affected animals or their pet food dishes, and then putting their hands in their mouths. [More]

Urban Active Gym Appears Lets You Cancel, Then Charges You

Urban Active Gym Appears Lets You Cancel, Then Charges You More

Gyms are notorious for being difficult to cancel your membership at, so at first Heather thought hers was different. They even backdated the cancellation date so she wouldn’t pay for the full month. So nice! A month later, collections called her. [More]

Foods That Pretend To Be Drugs

Foods That Pretend To Be Drugs

“Medical attention does not come from a Cheerios box,” Steven Nissen, head of cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic, told Forbes. See, one of the biggest trends in the food industry are these so-called “functional foods,” water that helps you sleep, yogurt that regulates your digestion, pomegranate juice that cures cancer, etc. But most of the claims are bogus, or at best, misleading, and the FDA is cracking down. [More]

Don't Get A Staph Infection At The Gym

Don't Get A Staph Infection At The Gym

Besides the number of the cute guy over at the free weights, you can also pick up MRSA, athlete’s foot, jock itch, boils, impetigo, herpes simplex or ringworm. [More]

Iams Salmonella Recall Expanded

Iams Salmonella Recall Expanded

Iams has expanded a voluntary recall of pet food because it might be contaminated with salmonella. No illnesses have been reported, but better safe than crying than over Mr. Tinkers. Here are the affected products so you can get them off your pantry: [More]

Bad Nurses Dodge Checkered Past By Moving To New

Bad Nurses Dodge Checkered Past By Moving To New States

Naughty nurses, sanctioned for things like stealing prescription painkillers or missing critical tests for their patients, are able to jump to new jobs from state to state thanks to gaps in the regulatory framework and lack of information sharing, a new ProPublica report finds. [More]

The BPA! It's On Your Receipts! Get It Off Aaaa!

The BPA! It's On Your Receipts! Get It Off Aaaa!

The Environmental Working Group has a theory to explain why bisphenol-A, the controversial chemical that’s sometimes found in plastic bottles and can linings, shows up in the urine of over 90% of the population: it’s on paper receipts. The group found BPA on 40% of receipts collected from the sorts of businesses you visit every week, with the concentration topping 1000 times that of a can lining in some cases. [More]

Hands-Only CPR Works Just As Well As Mouth-To-Mouth

Hands-Only CPR Works Just As Well As Mouth-To-Mouth

Here’s something that could help you save the life of someone you’d rather not kiss. The American Heart Association says that hands-only CPR works just as well as mouth-to-mouth. [More]

Top 10 Disgusting Stadium Food Vendor Health Violations

Top 10 Disgusting Stadium Food Vendor Health Violations

ESPN has put together a report on stadium food vendor health violations. Some of the violations are pretty damn gross. We’ve picked 10 of our “favorites.” [More]

Sitting Too Much Can Kill You

Sitting Too Much Can Kill You

You may want to stand up to read this. According to a new study from the American Cancer Society, spending too much time sitting down can increase your risk of death, even if you’re otherwise physically active. The study apparently did not address the risks of lying down, so we assume it’s okay to replace our office chair with a couch in order to improve our health. [More]

Do You Really Want To Know What Your Doctor Is Writing About You?

Do You Really Want To Know What Your Doctor Is Writing About You?

New research is looking to answer this question by studying what happens when patients have access to their doctor’s notes. [More]

High Heels Can Mess Up Your Calf Muscles And Tendons

High Heels Can Mess Up Your Calf Muscles And Tendons

Do high heels hurt your feet and legs — even after you’ve taken them off? A new study says that women who wore high heels daily for years had “shorter calf muscles and stiffer, thicker Achilles tendons than women who favored flats,” says NPR’s health blog. Ew! [More]

Candwich, The Sandwich In A Can

Candwich, The Sandwich In A Can

The latest innovation in sandwich technology is the Candwich, the sandwich in a can. [More]